Parent Volunteer Induction Course at Beaumaris Primary School

Many parents joined me to complete the Parent Volunteer Induction Course this week on Tuesday afternoon and Friday morning. 


I will be advertising an additional course to capture as many people in our community as possible.


In 2024 this induction will be mandatory to complete prior to being a helper/volunteer at school. We have many opportunities for parents to be involved at Beaumaris including classroom helpers, Book Fair, Friday sport, Athletics, swimming program, camps program and general assistance around the school with jobs like auditing the I-pads and Inquiry resources.


Keeping our students safe and maintaining a happy, healthy and safe environment is incredibly important. Confidentiality is also a major component to keeping our students and families safe. The new Child Safe Standards were introduced in 2022. Staff and School Council members have been inducted and our Volunteer induction has begun. It will take time to ensure all those involved in our school have completed the course and understand their responsibility as a volunteer.


Thankyou for participating and your patience.

All policies relating to Child Safety are on our web site.