Author Visit - Steven Herrick

English students in Year 11 and 12 had the opportunity recently to hear from acclaimed author and poet, Steven Herrick. He is the author of The Simple Gift, a text on the HSC list for many years and which is now taught to Year 11 students. 


Students learned how to make a career out of poetry and creative writing, the creative process, and the role that writing plays in shaping our world. He spoke particularly about finding and developing your own voice, as a writer, in order to have an impact on those around you and to be involved in important issues.


Steven was both entertaining and generous with his advice, and teachers came away with some valuable information to add to lessons in 2024.

English Standard and Advanced Aurora College Days

Each year, Aurora College provides a series of online study days for students across NSW. Using their expertise as providers of distance education, the school engages experts to help prepare students for their HSC examinations. 


In August and September, students in Standard and Advanced English, had the opportunity to attend a whole day program packed with useful tips for the exams, rigorous study notes and some new ways of looking at our core texts. 


By hearing from other teachers, and engaging with the questions asked by their peers from across the state, students at Wyndham are better prepared for their final examinations, which are the first cab off the rank on 11 October! 


Lis Viney - Head Teacher English