Year 12 Information

Graduation Ceremony – Thursday 21st September 2023

Students are to arrive by 8:45am. You will be lining up to enter the hall at 9am. If you are wanting to take family photos, please arrive earlier. We will have photographers taking photos on the day.


The Graduation Ceremony starts at 9:30am sharp, family members should be seated by 9:15am. Please remember, each students can have only TWO (2) family member each attending the event – if you bring anyone else, they will not be able to enter the hall. The live stream link will be emailed to families and advertised via the school’s social media sites on the day. You will also be able to watch it 'on demand' after the Ceremony via the same link.


You must wear FULL school uniform, including black shoes. No shorts or hoodies are to be worn. If you require uniform, please see the College office ASAP.


Graduation Rehearsal – Wednesday 20th September 2023

Please arrive at school at 8am – you will go straight to Connect so you must not be late. This rehearsal day is a compulsory school day. You will miss out on very important information if you do not attend. 


After the rehearsal you will receive your Graduation gown for the next day. If you have not paid for these, you must pay $30 to the office by September 15th. See Anjani or Lis if you have any questions about this.


We will also have fun Trivia games run by the SRC on this day – and don’t forget to dress up! Morning tea will be provided.


Life Patterns Study

You have been selected to participate in one of the foremost studies of young people in Australia, led by researchers at the University of Melbourne. The Life Patterns Study follows young people as they transition from school to post-school study and work in order to better understand how you can be supported in your trajectories. The Life Patterns Study has been following a first cohort of Australian students since 1991 and a second cohort since 2005. This year, you are given the opportunity to join the third Life Patterns cohort. You are invited to complete an online survey.


The survey will be completed on Wednesday 20th September. You and your parents have been emailed the consent forms for this longitudinal study. Please bring a device on the day (phone or laptop). We will have a small number of devices to use. We ask that students complete this survey as it gives us some fantastic data on your wellbeing, schooling experience and your future plans.


2023 Year 12 Formal

Table seating and dietary requirements were due at the end of Week 7. Hopefully you have all completed these. This has all been organised via the Year 12 Google Classroom. If you have any questions or concerns, please see Toyer.


Enjoy the next few weeks at Wyndham College. Please continue attending your classes and ask for help if you need it.



Good luck to our Year 11 students in their Preliminary Exams. Remember to reach out for wellbeing support if it is needed.


Rachel Kelso - Head Teacher Wellbeing

A huge thank you to the wellbeing team who have organised a variety of events and services for our students this term. Some of these include:


· From the Roots

· Meeting with Brent Kerehona to learn about Paskifika culture

· Aboriginal Cultural Excursion

· African Youth Service visit

· Wear it Purple Day, write your story workshop and BACC stall

· Self-Care September

· Breakfast Club

Self Care September

Staff and students are participating in Self Care September. This is a month of activities that teach different ways of incorporating self care into our every day lives. Self care is vital for our students, as they head into end of year exams and the HSC next term. We encourage our students to find balance between studying, socialising and self care so they can feel confident and focused. 


So far we have planned dream vacations, drunk warming drinks, given ourselves a manicure, and committed to better sleep routines. Coming up we will be planting succulents, doing a "brain dump", and celebrating RUOK? day with Zooper Dooper conversation starters. The key is to do what we can, when we can, with what we've got.


Yet another way our school holistically supports the  wellbeing of our students. Feel free to join in.

African Youth Initiative 

African Youth Initiative (AYI) hosted an attractive stall at Wyndham College. AYI programs aim to connect young people with African cultural heritage. They help African Australian students reach their potential through education, recreation and mentoring.

From The Roots 

From The Roots (FTR) is an initiative focused on identifying concerns relating to the Pasifika community and addressing them through education. FTR’s well-received workshop for our students was based on the evidence collected from Wyndham staff regarding the best ways to support students from Pasifika background. Through interactive games and discussions they learned more about their culture, resilience and motivation.

Wear It Purple Day

Wear it Purple was founded by young people in 2010 in response to global stories of rainbow young people’s heartache and their responses to bullying and harassment resulting from the lack of acceptance of their sexuality or gender identity. 


Wear It Purple Day strives to foster supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for LGBTQIA+ young people. 


This year Wear It Purple Day was on Friday 25 August with the theme of 'Write Your Story'. This encouraged young people to embrace their unique perspectives and share their stories. NSW Department of Education supports and stands behind schools who choose to recognise and celebrate Wear It Purple Day. Wyndham celebrated "Wear It Purple Day" with a writing workshop, a youth service pop up stall and a Mufti day. 


The Wellbeing Team and staff joined the students in wearing purple and enjoyed sharing merchandise, lollies and glitter with students. Thanks to the Wyndham community, $100.90, has been donated to Wear It Purple, a youth-led non-for-profit organisation.

"Write Your Story" Workshop

The 2023 theme, Write Your Story, emphasises the importance of self-expression and individuality. For young people who identify as LGBTQIA+, the theme represents the importance of taking ownership of their narratives and sharing their experiences in their own voices.


Author and poet Jasmyne Marahuyo facilitated the workshop at Wyndham College. Jasmyne is a Filipino-Australian award-winning emerging poet currently residing on Dharug country. She explored themes of identity, mental health and the power of vulnerability.

Blacktown Area Community Services

Thank you to Nathan and Camila from Blacktown Area Community Services, BACC, for their engaging pop up stall at Wyndham College as part of the Wear It Purple Day activities. Our students had fun making badges, celebrated diversity and being an ally to rainbow young people.

Meeting with Brent Kerehona to learn about Paskifika culture

We were very privileged to meet Maori Pasifika Elder Brent Kerehona Pukepuke-Ahitape, a PDHPE & wellbeing teacher, Pasifika mentor and published author. We look forward to having him back to meet our students in the near future, kanohi te kanohi. (face to face).

Exam Survival Skills

With Exams just around the corner for both Year 11 and Year 12, it is a great time to review with some helpful tips: