National Science Week 2023

This year National Science Week was held from 12 to 20 August, with the theme being “INNOVATION – POWERING FUTURE INDUSTRIES”


Our Science Faculty showcased some of the current power alternatives available: hydroelectric power, wind turbine power, nuclear fission and solar power.


Some future possibilities, on the drawing board, were also introduced: nuclear fusion, algal power, ocean thermal energy. In addition, some “further out there” theoretical possibilities like neutrino power, space based solar power, black hole generators, and warp power. Did you know … NASA HAS BUILT A WARP DRIVE AND IT ACTUALLY WORKS!


Students and teachers were able to pop along and take part in the hands-on displays, have a little fun and gain some insight into how we may power our lives in the future!


A big thank you goes to all the science students that assisted with the setup and

running of the displays.

Year 12 Extension Science

Congratulations to Year 12 Extension Science students for completing their major Research Projects. 


Wishing our Year 11 students Best of Luck for their final examinations.