Extra-Curricula News

Trash Free Tuesdays

Here at Peakhurst the aim of trash free Tuesday is reduce playground litter.

With no expectations, we are encouraging usual lunchboxes to have cling film removed and wrappers left at home. 


Here is an example of a Peakhurst students’ lunch box. 

The juice box isn’t counted and can be sent home when finished, but a water bottle is a really good option. 


If you have a canteen order, this wrap is also not included as waste. 


With no expectations - just being R E S P O N S I B L E and 

R E S P E C T F U L for not only our school and community but our environment too! 

Some examples of today’s lunch boxes - very inventive - I love the reusing of a strawberry container!


Mrs McLennan - ECO KIDS Coordinator