Education Week 2023

Education Week

We are looking forward to seeing parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles and friends join us to celebrate 175 years of public education in NSW. 


Next Thursday, 3rd August, we will be opening classrooms for visitors to come and see what our students have been doing. The Support Classes will have their open classrooms on Wednesday 2nd August. 


The Book Fair will be open in the Library from 9am - 3pm. 


Sandwiches and wraps will be available from the canteen to purchase if you don't want to pack a picnic lunch.


The second hand uniform shop will be open in Block C (near kindergarten classrooms) from 9-10am. 


We will also have a table set up outside the hall with lost property fom across the school if you are missing any parts of your child's uniform. 


We have organised a coffee van to arrive at 11am if you would like to purchase a warm beverage. The van will be outside the assembly hall.