P & C News



DATE: Monday 5 June 2023


MEETING OPENED:                         7: 04 pm


ATTENDEES:  Sarah M, Jennifer H, Kylie C, Andrea M, Elizabeth S, Karla W, Joyce Y 



APOLOGIES:                                       Siobhan B


PREVIOUS MINUTES:                     Emailed and accepted by the committee. 


CORRESPONDENCE:           Westpac account statement; Cadbury Fundraising pamphlet; Term 2 issue of P&C Federation NSW Journal. 


PRESIDENT’S REPORT:    Presented by Sarah 


Mother’s Day Stall

  • Thank you to our volunteers who helped with the Mother’s Day Stall - Elizabeth, Jinru, Pravina, Casey, Kylie, Andrea, Siobhan, Lin, Jennifer, Magdalena, Cecilia, Claire, Joyce.
  • Stall was held over 2 days to accommodate higher than expected demand. It was decided to hold a second day for 2x  year 6 classes to make sure these children had a fair choice of gifts. 502 gifts were sold in total. Total profit: $1158, 96.
  • Positive feedback overall - kids enjoyed choosing from set selections; good diversity of gifts; no complaints. Overall, successful sale of most gifts in stock.
  • Suggestion raised to buy sturdier bags for next time (some of the heavier items didn’t carry well in the paper bags). 


PRINCIPAL’S REPORT:     Presented by Karla



  • Semester 1 reports are currently being finalised. 
  • Sample explanatory sheet outlining how to read the new reports was handed around for committee’s perusal with positive feedback. Explanatory sheet for parents about new reports will be sent home to families on Monday Week 9. 
  • Reports will be emailed out to parents in Week 9, Friday afternoon after school (23rd June). 



  • Most students have transitioned to winter uniforms.
  • Staff are happy for Yr 6 to wear their Year 6 jersey on any day now, as long as they wear correct bottoms so that it aligns with the uniform.
  • For 2024, Year 6 shirt design will be chosen in Term 4, 2023. Final names confirmed early Term 1 so shirts can be available from as early as possible. Can wear jerseys Terms 1-3 on sports day; then in Term 4, they can wear any day.


Athletics Carnival

  • Will be held Thursday, Week 10 (29/6/23) at Barden Ridge. K-2 will be doing novelties in the middle of the oval.
  • Karla explained that year 3-6 students have been doing field events during Friday school sport (shotput and discus). This is so that during the athletics carnival, can proceed with holding finals of shotput and discus.


Kindy 2024 

  • PPS will be holding a Kindy 2024 Tour on Thursday 27th July.  There will be 2 sessions held for prospective families: 10-11am and 2-3pm; bookings will be available online.
  • School leaders will guide groups. 
  • Confirmed Sarah will join Out-of-Area Committee panel. 



  • Staff have investigated a newsletter platform which offers translation for our community, as an alternative to the PDF.
  • Have found Naavi: an online, web-browser type platform that is easy to use and is cost effective. Has a very streamlined format; can click on different sections of the newsletter; translation is through Google Translate. 
  • Will start with the next edition of FOCUS. A weblink will be provided, and the school community can click on link to access the newsletter.




  • Karla affirmed that PPS has been earmarked for complete renovation of both toilets. 
  • Explained toilets had cosmetic upgrade a few years ago; now a proper renovation has been planned including new ceilings, toilets, tiling etc.
  • Will take ~ 4 weeks - preliminary dates are week 10, Term 2 - through holidays and then week 1, Term 3. Confirmation TBC in the next week or so. Karla will notify PPS community if/ when it happens. Due to renovations, PPS may not be open for Share My Space initiative during holidays.



  • Query raised about potential for long sleeve sport top to be added as an option to school uniform to accommodate winter weather. Sarah will check with Claudine’s to see if viable.
  • Nature garden: Karla will follow up on getting a date confirmation.
  • P&C need to start a Fundraising Committee - seeking volunteers to take charge. 
  • Consensus reached to book Carrie from Time for Trivia on 14th October at St. George Maso’s at Mortdale. (Club Rivers no longer has enough room. Time for Trivia’s other free date is 11th Nov, but won’t be Carrie running the event as she is unavailable). Carrie’s fee is $995 - committee discussed cost and have decided that familiarity with her style is important to ensure success of the night. 
  • Discussed pricing of tickets; consensus that $25 per ticket is reasonable. 
  • Agreed that raffle is profitable. Silent auction was good (big ticket items). 
  • Discussed colour run event. All agreed to go ahead with School Fun Run; Karla will check with Sally if there are any concerns proceeding with the online fundraising system. 
  • Kylie and Andrea will help organise tea-towel fundraiser.

TREASURER’S REPORT:                 Prepared by Jennifer Hearne.





The next P&C meeting will take place on Monday 31st July, 2023 at 7pm in the Gumbuyah Centre. A notice will be placed in eNews.


MEETING CLOSED:           7:48pm

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