Principal's message

Welcome back!

I hope everyone had a restful holiday and managed to relax and refresh for the term ahead. 


We have a busy term coming up, with Education Week, Book Week, Stage 3 camp and the school show... just to list a few. 


2024 Kindergarten enrolments open

Kindergarten 2024 enrolment  is open and we encourage all families to ensure that any children who are starting school in 2024 to complete the online enrolment form as soon as possible. 


Please use the link below to take you to the online enrolment form.



NAPLAN individual student reports for Years 3 and 5 were sent home on Monday. The scale used to report on achievement has changed this year and parents were given an information sheet in the envelope with their children's results. 


We continued our NAIDOC celebrations this week with a visit  from author Larry Brandy. Students were treated to a retelling by Larry, participating in the story and observing and using traditional aboriginal tools and artefacts. 


Student Illness

We are still experiencing quite a lot of absenteeism due to illness. We are thankful to the families that keep their children at home when they are unwell. Please also be mindful that we do have students who have chronic asthma or other conditions that are greatly impacted if unwell students are sent to school. If they are exposed to these virus' and bacteria it can escalate quickly and can result in hospitalisation. 


If we notice that your child is unwell we will call parents to come and collect them from school. Children need to rest, recover and be well before coming back to school.  

Thank you for you understanding.


Baby boom at Peakhurst!

There's something in the water here at PPS... we have three staff members expecting babies in the next few months. 


Congratulations to Mrs Kikilas who is expecting a little brother or sister for Eliza. 

Mrs Kikilas will be beginning her maternity leave in Week 5.


Congratulations also to Mrs Mutton and Mrs Ward who are both expecting their first baby early next term. They will begin their maternity leave in Term 4.


We are thrilled for you all and can't wait to meet our smallest members of PPS.


Mrs Wilson

Relieving Principal