Student Celebrations

Celebrating many things that our students have achieved

Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for Student Learning and Achievement Awards by their classroom teacher/s.



PAEvie V

For a happy and hardworking start to Term 3. Your positive attitude 

and helpful nature make Prep A a great place to learn!

PBMalekye BFor the incredible commitment and hard-working attitude you have brought to our first week back at school! Malekye, your hardwork is already paying off. Keep up the great work!
PCVinnie MFor making great choices around your learning and setting goals for yourself. Vinnie, the standard of work you have been producing this term has already been out of this world! I am so proud of you! 
PDLevi LFor his fantastic work in our combining Maths unit. Levi, it is so great to see you so confidently combining two amounts to make a larger amount. Keep up the amazing work!
PEEmilia B​​For your hard work and effort during our combining lessons. You take your time when solving problems, using materials and checking your answers for accuracy.  Well done and keep up the amazing attitude!
1ACruz GFor making a fantastic start back to term 3, you have been productive and focussed when working independently. I loved your writing piece on the ‘Best Holiday Ever’. Keep up the great effort, Cruz! 
1BVance AFor being such a friendly, respectful and hard working student. Vance has made an effortless transition from holidays to Term Three and is working hard in all areas. On top of this, Vance is always kind and approachable to classmates and is a pleasure to work with each day. Hopefully your Saints have a good win this weekend Vancey!
1CDarcy TFor your excellent procedural text writing this week. I loved reading about your version of ‘The Best Holiday Ever!’ and I was so impressed with your concentration and dedication to your independent work when writing almost a full page! Keep it up!
1DJemima RFor your fantastic effort and focus when learning about our Wembley Value of inclusion. Jemima, you have been a great role model in welcoming others. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge and kindness. Keep it up superstar! 
2ABilly DFor his amazing work in Maths. Billy, you have been able to demonstrate your thorough knowledge of all the addition strategies we have been working on.  Well done on the brilliant way you can show your thinking and understanding. Keep up the wonderful work!
2BHazel AFor her enthusiasm and knowledge sharing during our NAIDOC week celebrations!  Congratulations and well done Hazel! Your respect of and passion for Indigenous culture is truly wonderful.  Great work, keep it up!    
2CTed FFor his excellent start to Term 3! Ted, it has been great to see you so focused and ready to learn. Thank you for putting in such fantastic effort with your work. Keep up your amazing work buddy! 
2DAidan LFor your fantastic start to Term 3. Aidan, you’ve done an incredible job at showing the Wembley School Values and you’ve been working hard in class to produce fantastic work, especially in maths. Keep it up!
3AJacob PFor your supportive and inclusive attitude upon commencing Term 3. Jacob, you’ve done an amazing job demonstrating our Wembley values or inclusion and respect. You are a role model to your peers! Keep up the great work!
3BNiamh OFor always showing your best effort and making a fantastic start to term 3. Niamh, you had a wonderful semester one and have settled back into term 3 really well. You’re such a valuable member of 3B Niamh, keep up the great work!
3CNoah BFor the great start you have had to term 3. We can really see the effort you have been putting into participating in class discussions and doing your best work. Well done Noah, keep it up!
3DJasmine GFor your wonderful support and caring nature towards others. Jasmine, you have made a positive start to term 3 and have been inclusive and welcoming. Keep it up! 
4ANikita SFor your fantastic effort and attitude towards your learning. You have been showing a growth mindset during our Maths lessons this week, consistently trying your hardest and showing persistence. Well done Nikita! 
4BAdie GFor her persistence, hard work and dedication shown to all areas of her learning. This amazing growth mindset is what Adie does best, each and every day. This week it has been fabulous to watch her application in learning different subtraction strategies to establish her most efficient strategy. You are such a star Adie!
4CLuella JFor showing an terrific growth mindset attitude towards your learning in maths this week!  You have pushed yourself to achieve at your best and have bravely tried out new subtraction strategies. Keep it up Luella, you are a superstar!
4DMarshall SFor having such an amazing attitude to start the term. I'm so proud of your mindset towards school and always trying to stay positive. When you focus on the positives, there is nothing you can't do! Great work, Marshall. Keep it up, superstar!
5ALuka BFor making an awesome start to the new term! Luka, it has been so great to see you coming to school with a smile and completing some really high quality work. Looking forward to a really successful term - Great work.
5BElla FFor always being a wonderful role model and putting in 110% into all your learning. Keep up the great work Ella!
5CHussein AFor showing a hard working attitude since returning to school. I have been very impressed by the effort you have given to your writing. Congratulations Hussein!
5/6ASpencer LFor showing great resilience during our lessons on BODMAS this week. Spencer was able to apply feedback to improve his understanding and consolidate his learning of a new skill. Keep up the great work Spencer!
6BAmelie TFor your excellent analysis for our NAIDOC week reading task. You considered the text connections with our Australian history and analysed it well. Keep up the great work, Amelie!
6CAveri NFor displaying a growth mindset when faced with new challenges in maths and producing some high quality learning. Averi, your dedication to learning is outstanding. Keep it up legend!


PAHugo FFor using detail and interesting description words in his Chicken Diary. I am so impressed with the effort you are putting into your writing, Hugo!
PBWill PFor consistently trying your best across all learning areas! Will, I am so proud of your commitment and ability to reflect on your efforts. What a star Will, keep it up! 
PCNeema N For always showing the Wembley school values. Neema, you are such a wonderful classmate and friend to others in Prep C and I am so proud of you! 
PERoslyn JFor your amazing efforts in Reading.  You are using continuous stretching to sound out unknown words.  Well done and keep up the great work!
1AWill KFor his fantastic efforts in writing a procedural text on how to make the yummiest ice-cream! You worked very well in thinking about the structure of a procedure, what you will need and writing your steps. Keep up the great effort, Will!
1BHamish DFor being so brave when transitioning from home to school, it can be challenging at times to leave our families at home and come to school. I want Hamish to know how proud we all are of him and what a good job he is doing coming to school and trying his best every day. Hamish is a wonderful young man, and we love having him in 1B! Go the doggies Hamish!
1CSadie CFor her amazing work in our problem solving addition lesson. Sadie, I loved seeing how many different combinations you could come up with to solve how many counters could be in a jar. Keep up the great problem-solving!
1DMaya AFor your amazing effort in writing, you have been working hard to form your letters correctly and use the dotted thirds. Maya, you are a 1D superstar!
2AChanning CFor challenging himself in Math and showing great efforts in doing his best work. Well done Channing, keep it up!
2BRuby JFor her fantastic writing this week!  Well done Ruby for your attention to detail, your inclusion of connectives and also your use of pronouns!  Great work, keep it up!   
2CEvie MFor always showing respect to her classmates and for putting in her best effort with her learning! Evie, you have been working incredibly hard all year long and should be very proud of yourself. Keep it up superstar! 
2DMax TFor demonstrating excellent effort in your learning this week. Max, you have shown great confidence through sharing your ideas and answers with the class, especially in maths and smart words. Keep it up!
3AJames JFor your outstanding transition into Term 3, including both this week and last. James, I’m incredibly proud of your positive attitude, respectful behaviours and your hard work. You’ve welcomed others and shown our school value consistently in class and in the yard. Keep up the wonderful work, superstar!
3BZach CFor striving to show your best effort, behaviour and work all week! Zach, you set yourself the goal to win the SLAA this week and worked so hard to achieve it. You put so much effort into your maths, came up with some fantastic ideas in writing, you listened actively and contributed some awesome ideas. Well done on working so hard to achieve your goals, keep it up! 
3CAlbert SFor the effort you have been putting into your learning across all areas this term. You have shown a wonderful attitude and mindset. We are proud of you Albie, well done!
3DMya DFor your wonderful start to Term 3. Mya, your organisational skills and positive manner has made your transition to the term effortless. Well done and keep up the excellent attitude. 
4AAnne TFor the outstanding effort you have been putting into our Maths lessons this week. You have been showing persistence and resilience, checking through your workings to make sure that your answers are correct. Well done Anne!
4BZac CFor applying hard work and dedication to all areas of learning. From concentrating in the mini lesson to then applying your learning, both when working in groups or independently. You are a star Zac and you are such a role model in 4B. 
4CDillon BFor putting your best effort into your learning. You’ve shown great resilience and a growth mindset towards your learning when things are challenging. Well done Dillon, keep up the great work!
4DTy SFor doing such a terrific job with your Student Led Conference. You have worked really hard this year and had a great mindset towards your learning and it really showed in your presentation. I'm really proud of you and I hope you're having fun in 4D! Well done, superstar!
5AAmber M

For showing great drive and determination in your learning. Amber, you are taking more responsibility for your own learning and taking it upon yourself to explore some more challenging content - It’s great to see. 

Keep it up!

5BRyan TFor all your hard work helping students understand extension fractions. You are a great role model Ryan. What would 5B do without you?
5CAlice LFor showing great determination to deepen your understanding of fractions. I have been very impressed by the level of focus you have shown. Well done Alice!
5/6ALucas HFor his dedication and commitment to working on his Writing goal. Lucas has been working hard to understand the structure and purpose of various texts, and applying these structural elements in his own Writing. Well done Lucas! Keep up the great work!
6AOlive CFor her fantastic display of mathematical thinking & understanding this term. Olive, you have shown an impressive ability to look deeper into math problems by identifying patterns and thinking outside of the box. Well done, keep up the great work!
6BLola CFor your positive mindset and exceptional effort towards all of your learning tasks. Lola, you are always pushing yourself to succeed. Keep up the great work!
6CAustin RFor displaying determination to challenge himself in maths. Aussie, your growth mindset is something to be admired. Keep it up legend!



Student Newsletter acknowledgements


We LOVE to hear about student achievements outside of school. If there are any acknowledgements that parents/students wish to share with us and can be celebrated with our wider community, we ask that you email us at with the student/s name/s, a summary of the acknowledgement and any photos that you would be comfortable sharing and we will aim to include it in our fortnightly WPS newsletter.