Working Bee 29 July
Thank you to the parents, students and staff that attended the working bee. It is amazing how much can be achieved in one day and the work completed has made a real difference.
The main focus was to prepare the theatre for the upcoming school production – change rooms painted and tidied, storage room cleaned out, costumes tidied up, and some carpet tiles were laid.
Victorian School Music Festival
Congratulations to the Macleod College Big Band which performed at Hawthorn town hall on the 17th August and brought home the silver award. Everyone played very well and had a good time too.
Special congratulations to our soloists this year; Preeti, Mattias, Isaac and Genevieve who braved the spotlight, owning their solos and leading the band with an enthusiastic sound.
The band received positive feedback from the adjudicators saying that they sounded great. VSMF continues to be a great opportunity for the band to hone their ensemble skills as the students get to perform and do a workshop on stage straight after the performance.
Next stop, New York! In Melbourne that is, with members of the Jazz at the Lincoln Center Orchestra who run the Essentially Ellington program. Wish us luck!
The students performed well and received some invaluable feedback from world renowned trombonist Vincent Gardner.
Addams Family Musical
Rehearsals have been continuing for the Addams Family Musical and the show is coming together in a spectacular fashion. Tickets are selling fast!
In the coming weeks - Dates Below
Wind Symphony, Big Band and Jam Band will be performing at the Royal South Street Freemasons Victoria Festival of Band and Strings in Ballarat.
- Addams Family Musical
- Genevieve Waingold, Arwen Holt, Klaudia Ugrai and Mackenzie Hawkins will be performing in the Victorian State School Spectacular
- Jam Band will be performing at Youth Fest
Semester 2
Sep 1 - 9 Royal South Street Freemasons Victoria Festival of Band and Strings
Wednesday 6 (1:25 pm session) - Wind Symphony
Thursday 7 (9am session) - Jam Band
Thursday 7 (1:30pm session) - Big Band
- Exact date TBC (Big Band, Jam Band, Wind Symphony)
September 6 - 8 The Addams Family Musical
September 9 Victorian State School Spectacular
September 10 Youth Fest (Jam Band)
October 19 Spring Arts Festival (All Ensembles and Select Solos)
October 24 Watsonia Library (Vocal Ensemble)