Principal' Report

Macleod College Production - The Addams Family
Next week Macleod College is proudly presenting the production "The Addams Family".
Rehearsals have been taking place over many weeks under the direction of Tessa Bodenham. The students have been very keen and thoroughly enjoying their full dress rehearsals.
We must thank Emma Wagner and Dianne Sekulovski for volunteering to do the make-up on production nights.
The Addams Family is running from Wednesday 6 - Friday 8 September. Book online via the Macleod College website.
2023 Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey
A random selection of Parent/Caregiver/Guardian families received an invitation by email earlier this week to take part in the 2023 Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey.
I ask you to please take the time to complete the survey as your opinions are important to us and will contribute to the future planning, management and organisation of our school. The department will also use the results from the survey for research purposes and to improve outcomes for students.
The survey is now open and will close Friday 8 September 2023.
Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences (PSTC)
Tuesday 12 September 9am - 5pm (online)
Bookings for our next round of Parent Teacher Student Conferences will open at 9am on Monday 4 September. The PTSC are a valuable way of maintaining a strong partnership between home and school as we support the learning of our young people. I encourage all families to make appointments - both to seek strategies for further growth and to celebrate all the growth that has been achieved to date.
Some questions you might like to ask include:
- Does my child contribute to class discussion and appear happy in the subject?
- How does my child interact with other students in this class?
- What are my child’s strengths and weaknesses?
- How can I help at home?
Students should be at the interview, even if they say otherwise! They are an integral part of everything we do at school and home, and they are an important voice in all of these conversations.
2023/2024 College Captains
Over the next two weeks we will be holding interviews for the 2023/2024 Leadership positions. The interview panel will consist of a member of the Principal Team, staff and current students from Years 07 - 11.
The appointed College Captains will undergo an induction process. The process includes an orientation about their roles, responsibilities and how to effectively represent the college. To prepare them for their tenure, they receive training in leadership, communication and teamwork.
They will be officially inducted into their new positions at the 2023 Year 12 Farewell Assembly in NETS Stadium on Friday 13 October.
Year 12 Practice Exams
Year 12 Practice Exams will be held at the college during the second week of the holidays from Monday 25 September to Thursday 28 September.
I hope you all have a great holiday break, and I look forward to seeing everyone back, bright and refreshed!
Mario Panaccio