Year One

In Reading, students have been continuing to work on summarising by identifying the key parts of the story, 'Miss Understand'. Students also had a chance to perform Reader’s Theatre based on the story, 'Best Nest'. Students absolutely loved performing their Reader's Theatre! Students have learnt about the different ‘oo’ sounds and how to segment and blend words containing these sounds.
During Writing this week, students have continued to work on narratives by focusing on planning their ideas through using a story map. Students then developed their ideas into a narrative and we discussed the importance of including a beginning, middle (problem), and end (solution) in our narratives. Students have also been challenged to add extra detail to their writing though including verbs, adjectives, and other language features.
In Math, the focus has been time. We have been using our knowledge of clocks to focus on telling the time to the half-hour and quarter-hour, so that we can plan our day accurately. We have also been learning about the connections between analogue and digital time. During our Launch, Explore, Discuss lessons, students were investigating conversion between analogue and digital times and calculating how long an activity takes.
During Inquiry this week, our focus has been on reflecting on the past and present, as well as understanding that First Nations Peoples have a strong connection to the country. Students have learnt that there are many ways we can show respect to First Nation Peoples and discussed how we can take action in the future.
- School begins at 8:30 am, with continuous entry from 8:20 am. Please be on time as learning begins promptly at 8:30 am.
- Late arrivals (8:40 am onwards) require a late pass.
- Absences – If your child is away, please remember to upload your reasons on Xuno. Please reach out to the office if you need support doing this.
- Students are to be completing their spelling homework every week.
- Students should also be reading their 'take home readers' each night.
- Please remember to bring in a fully charged iPad to school each day.
- Remember to bring a waste-free lunch on Wednesdays for the school waste-free Wednesday!