
Welcome to Week 6 of Term 3!
The week started with a 'Bang' as we watched a demonstration during assembly of a science experiment. We all then had so much fun during our science afternoon where we participated in three experiments that linked to our Unit of Inquiry.
In Reading, the preps have been exploring different text types and identifying the features of fiction and non-fiction texts. We have particularly focussed on Information Texts about living things, linking to our new Unit of Inquiry, ‘The adaptation of living things can be influenced by interactions with the natural world’. The students are enjoying using Information Texts to find out lots of different facts about living things of their interest. Each class made an amazing mural of living things, too! To continuously improve their reading, students are always striving to use the Good Reader strategies to help them decode unfamiliar words.
In Writing, students are continuing to apply their knowledge of letters and sounds, and explore the five W’s (who, what, when, where and why) to inform the reader of something exciting or special to them. Students have also enjoyed writing their own factual sentences on an animal of their choice and it is fantastic to see their understanding of Information Texts grow as they write on topics of interest to them. Our preps continue to have a go at writing sentences correctly, starting with a capital letter, maintaining finger spaces between words, and using punctuation to end their sentences.
In Maths we have continued to explore the concept of addition. It is wonderful to see students become more confident when exploring open ended problems, sharing their knowledge of the addition strategies they have learned. Students have recently been introduced to the concept of ‘Time’. In lessons, children are beginning to explore and compare different durations of time, by relating to their own life and how long different tasks take.
On Wednesday we turned green and gold to show our support for the Matilda's in the lead up to their semi final against England.
We have some busy weeks ahead so below is a list of reminders.
Tuesday 22 August and Wednesday 23 August - Prep Werribee Zoo Excursion
Tuesday 22nd - classes PC, PD, PE, PI, PJ
Wednesday 23rd - classes PA, PB, PF, PG, PH, PK
Friday 25 August - Curriculum Day
This is a Student Free Day as staff will engage in training. Students either stay at home or are able to attend the Out of School Hours Care (OSHC).
Big Childcare (OSHC) will be operating, should you require care. Please contact them to make arrangements on
August 28 to September 1 - Book Week Celebration
During this week, the theme is ‘Read, Grow, Inspire’. We have many activities planned for the whole school and the classrooms. There is no cost involved.
Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 August – Father’s Day Stall
All students will have the opportunity to visit and purchase an item at the Father’s day stall.
More details regarding items will be forwarded soon via our school parent platform, XUNO.
Friday 1 September - Book Week Dress Up Day
We will be holding our dress up day, which means that students may come to school dressed in the theme of book week, or anything related to books or story characters.
A reminder that while we love dress up days, we want to make sure that it is stress free for everyone. Costumes can be as simple or as complex as you like. Costumes can be bought, borrowed, re-worn, or handmade and can be from head to toe or just a prop or mask. The aim is to celebrate books and promote a love of reading.
Friday 1 September – Book Parade
Students will participate in a Book Parade at 8.45am and will be accompanied by their year 5 and 6 buddies. The is a student only event.
Monday 4 September – Father’s/Special Person Day Celebration
To celebrate the Father’s and Father figures in our lives, we invite them to our classroom on Monday from 8.20am to 9am for a learning celebration.
Monday 4 September to Friday 8 September – Book Fair
All students will have the opportunity to visit the Scholastic Book Fair for a 30-minute time slot during the week. There will be time to look through books and compile a wish list to show and discuss with family prior to making a purchase.
Tuesday 5 September to Thursday 14 September - Prep Swimming Program.
Please check XUNO for details. Payment for this 8 day program was due by Monday the 14 August. Late payments are not accepted.
Friday 15 September - Colour Fun Run at School.
Details have been shared via XUNO and social media for this important school fundraiser.
This day involves a running/walking activity at school where students walk for a certain amount of time and are splashed with a non-toxic coloured powder. The aim is to unite, have fun, raise money for our school, and make lasting memories. It's a fantastic way to foster community engagement and create lasting connections.
Friday 15 September - Term Three ends.
Students are dismissed at 2.40pm across Primary and Secondary campuses for a two-week break. School will resume in Term 4 on Monday 2 October.