Year Three

Dear Year Three Families, 


It has been wonderful to see all of our students continuing to challenge themselves in all areas of learning. 



In Reading, students have been introduced to Reciprocal Reading with a focus on the role of a 'predictor'. Students have explored making predictions before, during and after reading using a variety of fiction texts. This week, students will be exploring the role of a 'questioner' and practising this before, during and after reading. 



In Writing, students are exploring Procedural Texts. Students have investigated the structure and purpose of different procedures and have begun creating their own procedures based on their favourite games. Students will continue to look at different types of procedures such as; 





This week to celebrate 'Science Week' students will participate in a fun experiment before writing their procedures. 



In Maths, students have finished their unit on Money. They explored and investigated Australian coins and notes, collections of money and rounding to the nearest decimal point.


It has been fantastic to see so many of our students challenge themselves and their thinking in our Launch, Explore, Discuss lessons. The Year Three teachers can't wait to see this continue in our next unit. 



 In Inquiry, we have begun investigating our new unit under the Central Idea 'Many cultures express themselves through different art mediums, encouraging interconnectedness in our global community.' 


Students begun the unit by identifying their cultural background and completing a mind map that explained all the things that made their culture unique. They then completed a virtual tour of the NGV Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Exhibition, where they chose a piece of artwork to recreate. The Year Threes worked collaboratively to explore cultural dances from around the world and sharing them with their peers. 



  • School begins at 8.30am, with continuous entry from 8.20am. Please make sure you are on time. 
  • Remember to bring a waste-free lunch on Wednesdays! 
  • Book Week begins on the 28th of August. 
  • Science Week begins on the 14th of August. 


The Year Three Teachers. 

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