Year 4 with Kathryn Presenting
Year 4 with Kathryn Presenting
In writing this term, the grade 4K students have been learning how to persuade. We brainstormed our own ideas and discussed what we were passionate about. Everyone is different and we all have our own ideas and opinions… and that’s ok.
We have been using the mentor text ‘I Wanna Iguana’ by Karen Kaufman Orloff to discuss author techniques and persuasive language devices such as strong emotive words (e.g. sensitive, compassionate, grossed-out), thinking and feeling verbs (e.g. believe, know, have, must), connective phrases (e.g. ‘In addition’) and cause and effect phrases (e.g. ‘As a result…’).
First, we created persuasive speeches which included repetition, questions and facts to back up our arguments.
Next, we thought about how pictures and short slogans can also help to persuade our audiences… so we hope you like our posters too!
Finally, we practised our presentations and talked about how to entertain and captivate our audience (our school and community at assembly last Friday).
Have a great day and we hope you like our work… we are very proud of it!
From the 4K Learning Ninjas 😊
We all enjoyed hearing the many varied subjects. Thank you Year 4.
Term 3, 2023
Friday 4th August Class 2/3 will be presenting.
Friday 11th August Class 1/2 will be presenting.
Friday 18th August Calss Prep/1 will be presenting.
Family and friends are welcome to attend our assemblies on Monday (in the under-cover area) and Fridays (in the BER building). Please note that ALL visitors to school grounds must comply with current COVID guidelines. If you are unwell, please refrain from attending.