Wellbeing Update

National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence

This year the National Day of Action will take place on Friday 18th of August. Teams are currently carrying out lessons on bullying and bullying prevention, with a particular focus on this year’s theme of ‘Growing Connections’. 


Other Activities

  1. Students will also be designing and making posters around this year’s theme. These will be created in pairs or small groups, keeping with the focus on connection. Classes will vote on their favourite posters and winners for F-2 and 3-6 will be announced at assembly on the 18th of August.
  2. Multi-age activities – In the afternoon classes will mix to take part in activities which aim to build connection across the school. Foundation will mix with 3/4 and 1/2 with 5/6.

Assembly (Friday 18th)

Our work will culminate in an assembly and whole school activities on the day of action. Students will share their learning, we will announce winners of the poster competition and will conclude with a lovely sound bath, led by Romy Paltoglou, which aims to connect all of us to ourselves and to each other as we go into the day.


We encourage students to bring a cushion and a blanket to get comfortable and to stay warm during the sound bath. Of course, you are most welcome to join in.

We look forward to seeing how this understanding of connection can help to contribute to the prevention of bullying here at SKiPPS.


Mel Borella

Learning Specialist
