Principal's Report

by Kristy Herridge

Term 3 Week 1 – 4 Update

Welcome back to term 3! I am very excited to be stepping into the role of Acting Principal and would like to take a moment to acknowledge that this is a very big change for our whole community. David Lord has been such a prominent fixture in the Staughton College community that I am sure there are many people that will notice his absence, including me. As Acting Principal whilst David is on leave I would like to signal to all that it is business as usual and also extend an invitation for people to stop for a chat and say hi. I love our school, our students and community and will do my very best to keep the ship steady in David’s absence.


Key Messages:

Students and staff made a very positive return to school for term 3. We are focussing on students using their learning time effectively in class as the term begins. This can be supported from home by:

  • making sure students have the required exercise books, stationary and digital device for school 
  • Helping your children to set routines that allow them to complete any set homework and study by completing deliberate practice of what they need to learn. 

Term overview of this terms work in all subjects have been communicated and are available through XUNO or on the college Website. 


Term 3 looks a little different with new bell times and some new routines being introduced in the yard. Lunch is slightly shorter which means we are finishing school at 2:55. At recess and lunchtime the student toilets are being supervised with a tag in tag out system. This is to support the hygiene and safety of students using the amenities during break times. So far this has been going well.


Year 10 Information Night:

In order to ensure that we are being transparent with our school community on Wednesday the 19th of July Staughton College ran a Year 10 pathways information session to support students and their families in discussions around their senior preferences for 2024. The VCE and VCE/VM pathways were discussed in great detail and students were provided with their next steps in the process. The night itself was well attended and many parents/guardians and students stayed back to ask some great clarifying questions. It was a fantastic evening! 


Student Free Day:

Friday the 21st of July was a student free day where staff worked on a range of different curriculum priorities. As part of this work, teachers are working to become more expert at identifying the best ways to teach students at their point of need. On this day we were also lucky enough to have Dr Margaret Nixon from headspace come and present to staff an introduction to trauma informed practices in the classroom.


Curriculum Week:

Last week we had Curriculum Week and the yard was a buzz with fantastic activities for students to engage in. Well done to all the people involved in making the week work.

On Monday the Tech Team ran: Minecraft design challenge, Felt keyring making, Paper plane challenge, Biscuit decorating and 4X4 car racing.

On Tuesday the Maths/Science team ran experiments including setting your hands (safely) on fire, an exploration of AI and balloon powered rocket creations.

On Wednesday the English/Humanities team ran cognate math up activities, monopoly, staff v’s student debate, a where in the wold map activity and a historic who am I activity.

On Thursday the Health and Physical Education Team ran a HAPE quiz, games in the gym, volleyball, basketball comp, move more challenge, staff v students dodge ball and sports jumper day.

On Friday the Arts team finished with a bang with a media movie quiz, school diary design comp, clay creations, earring making workshops and a battle of the bands.


Building Update:

The school has been working with the architects to finalise plans. We are now working through how we will decant in preparation for building to start towards the end of the year. Big shout out to Julie Toll for her ongoing efforts with this. 



Last week we received this years NAPLAN results. This year they are reported differently and we are working through the data to gain an understanding of where we are at. Student NAPLAN results have also been sent home in the mail last week.


Key Dates:

Thursday 31st August – Parent Teacher Student Conferences

September 1st – Staff Professional Practice Day – No scheduled classes

Friday 15th September – Last day of term, 12:50 dismissal




Acting Principal


We, at Staughton College, would like to show our respect and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is situated, of elders past and present. We extend a warm welcome to everyone who visits our school.