The Green Team

Alex Baxter & Elise Hawkins


Sustainability Team 

Last Friday, in the Green Team got their hands dirty in the garden! The day was too beautiful to be inside so we headed outside to our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden. We used the broken down soil from the final stage of the composting process to scatter around the fruit trees to give them nutrients. We had a great discussion about how the composting process works. Next Friday we will be building a scarecrow for the Bunnings Create a Scarecrow competition.

Everybody is welcome to join!

Soft Plastic Recycling Program 

We have been working hard this year to dispose of our waste in more sustainable ways. The next step in this process, is to start recycling our soft plastic rubbish because soft plastics cannot be recycled in your normal recycling bins at home or school.


What are soft plastics?

Soft plastics include items such as biscuit packets, plastic bags, chip packets etc. For a full list please see: (scroll to the bottom of the page).

Our Plan

Soon we are going to put some soft plastic recycling bins in the hall foyer. We will encourage parents and teachers to bring in their soft plastic rubbish from home to put in these bins. The soft plastic rubbish in these bins will then be taken to 'Redcycle' to be recycled into outdoor furniture. Further down the track we will put soft plastic bins in each classroom as well.


We need your help

To help us implement our soft plastic recycling, we are looking for parents or teachers to volunteer taking the soft plastic rubbish to Coles, to placed in their 'Redcycle' bins. We really need your support with this so that we can get the program going. If we get enough volunteers, a roster will be made so each person only has to empty the bins once a week or fortnight. If you would like to help us out, please email  

Junior Landcare Grant

Earlier in the year we were successfully awarded a grant to get the Green Team up and running. I think it’s safe to say that this has been a huge success! The money from this grant has paid for mini shovels and gloves for the Green Team to use when working in the garden, various plants including succulents for the students to plant in their upcycled planter pots, as well as animal nest boxes and outdoor paints. The sustainability leaders will hand these over to the 2018 leaders to paint and assemble with next years Green Team!

Nude Food Survey

A large percentage of the waste created at our school comes from students’ lunch boxes. We would love to minimise the waste produced by school lunches but are not 100% sure of the best way to do so. If you would like to have your say, please complete the short survey below (6 questions) or feel free to email Miss Baxter or Miss Hawkins with any suggestions.

Our emails are as follows and


Follow this link for the survey: Nude Food