Community News

Second-Hand Uniform Shop Volunteers Required
The Second-Hand Uniform Shop at Loreto provides a service to the community in selling uniforms that are in good condition to current families. It has been run by the Parents and Friends Committee for many years as 25% of all sales contributes to their fundraising (75% is paid back to the seller).
At the end of last year our main volunteer, Luisa Benuzzi, retired after 15 years of service to the school.
The P&F are looking for a volunteer to run the Second-Hand Uniform Shop for approximately two hours per week. The hours are negotiable to suit the volunteer and community needs, and all training is provided. It is a great way to meet more people in the Loreto community. You can run it on your own or with a friend!
Please direct any queries to Tanya Smith of the Parents and Friends Committee on 0401 714 952 or
Many thanks,
Parents & Friends
Kelly Sports - Term 1
Programs for R-2 students run weekly on one day a week for one hour. In term 1, the following sports will be the focus: cricket, tee ball, athletics and lacrosse.
For more information, please download the flyer below.
CBC Open Evening