Learning in the Junior School and ELC

From the Head of Junior School & Early Learning
We are so proud of our ELC children and Junior School girls. Our Year 2-6 girls have successfully navigated online learning, either at school or at home, highly committed to their school day and producing their best. Any challenges faced have been met with a calm approach and willingness to problem solve together to find solutions. For some girls their very first day at Loreto was online and they met their new class friends and teachers through Zoom. Not phased by the IT demands (as they’ve got this online learning now!), the girls welcomed each other and their teachers to the new school year and proceeded to enjoy the many learning activities planned throughout the day. Of course, at times there was uncertainty and the need to find creative alternatives, but overwhelmingly our girls remained optimistic and full of energy and excitement. I thank our teachers for their careful planning and guidance during this time, they have mentored our girls through an unprecedented start to the school year. Angela Duckworth, author of “Grit”, describes sustained persistence and passion as “grit”, an essential quality required for personal success. To bounce back, be resilient, optimistic and stay committed is gritty, and our girls are on this path to success, and we are very proud of them.
Our younger learners, who were on campus, have also successfully transitioned to the new school year. We have welcomed many new students across the ELC and Junior School. The first day of the school year also marks the first day for our new ELC children and Reception girls. We have four learning programs in the ELC, that include our Gumnut babies, Wattle toddlers, Banksia three-year-olds and two Preschool classes. Our children in the ELC have also enjoyed meeting their new friends and exploring our beautiful learning spaces. I encourage ELC families to login to Loreto Connect to view the learning that is occurring in each room. Our teachers and educators regularly update their pages with delightful videos, photographs, and reflections.
To celebrate the return of all students to school, the Year 12 Student Executive, are asking for all staff and students across ELC-Year 12 to wear colourful ribbons and socks on Monday. We are all looking forward to this day and seeing everyone back on campus.
Ms Marika Snell
Head of Junior School and Early Learning Centre
General Reminders for Uniform in Term 1
- Hair longer than the shoulders must be tied back.
- Hair accessories such as clips and bands must be black. Only College hair ribbons to be worn.
- Nail polish may not be worn when in school uniform.
- One discreet earring per ear
- The wearing of the College hat is compulsory when travelling to and from the College
- Only the blazer may be worn over the summer dress/shorts and shirt as an outer garment, if required, when travelling to and from school or whenever in public. The jumper is not an acceptable outer garment.
Starting School
We are proud and excited to begin this year with two Reception classes and we extend a warm and heart filled welcome to our twenty-two girls, their parents, and families. Our successful transition program has ensured our girls have settled in beautifully to school life and have had a seamless start to the year.
Through our SEAD learning, we have prioritised the establishment of routines and classroom agreements and have been exploring our enriching learning environment as well as discovering more about ourselves and each other. It is the beginning of a new learning journey for children, and in a safe and nurturing space, the girls are developing skills in becoming confident and independent learners.
The girls have introduced themselves to the Loreto Community through self-portrait painting and sharing a snippet into who they are.
Mrs Sarah Grbin and Ms Josephine De Angelis
Learning in Year 3
Most of our Year 3s are learning online at the moment, with a couple of students in the classroom. The girls were lucky enough to use the brand new Year 3 classroom and can't wait to start using it with all of their class next week! The Year 3s have also been celebrating Chinese New Year of the Tiger by drawing symmetrical tigers. More to follow when school resumes as normal next week!
Preschool Activities
Monarch Butterflies
On Thursday, Annabelle brought in some caterpillars and chrysalises from her grandmother’s garden to share with Preschool. The children were very excited and eager to observe and share their understanding of these amazing creatures. In their morning meeting, we discussed what we had noticed and shared our knowledge and wonderings with one another.
What are these?
Butterflies - Claudia
Caterpillars - Emma
Caterpillar, see those green things and the black, they might be where the caterpillars live inside - Allegra
Or can it be a butterfly because after a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. I have a book about a caterpillar turning into a butterfly - Lola
They're cocoons - Maya
Caterpillars that are turning into butterflies - Ebony
After caterpillars are caterpillars, then they turn into a butterfly and they can turn into any colour - Charlotte
Maybe they will turn into a butterfly - Freya
Those spiky things. I think they're so spiky and I think what's inside them - Claudia
They lay a cocoon. First they are caterpillars, then they lay a cocoon, then they turn into a butterfly - Aria
They are cocoons – Annabelle
I noticed a pattern. It was like my dead butterfly at my home – Gigi
I noticed that one had spots and one had stripes. I think the boys would have more spots and the girls would have more stripes, maybe – Arty P
I think the green cocoon ones are the boy ones and the white cocoons are the girl ones – Gigi
Cabbage moths are the white ones – Annabelle
I noticed there was a caterpillar coming out, it is coming out! – Bonnie
So they cocoon and they turn into a butterfly and then we got to put them outside – Jack
They have to go outside because they have to go into the bushes – Annabelle
When they are going into their cocoon you can watch their skin peel off, we have them at Sellicks and one time mum decided to pick it up but oops she squashed it. At Sellicks when their skin came off, the chrysalis just magically came out, when it was peeling then the butterfly just came out – Arty P
How do we think caterpillars are going to make their cocoons? – Gigi
They have to go rolling all the way to the top and then they roll up the tree and then they are stuck in there – Jacl
How do caterpillars make a cocoon on the leaf? – Lia
They don’t roll, they make the cocoon. They hang and then the green stuff will come on it’s bottom and then it will be a chrysalis – Annabelle
The caterpillars need to be outside – Gigi
If there aren’t any trees, will it turn into a different colour? Maybe if we get different leaves. I saw it on the iPad – Jack
How do caterpillars make a caterpillar egg? – Lia
There are little holes in the cocoon, so they can come out. They nibble the little holes to push themselves out – Sophie
Emily Quigley & Amanda Lee
Preschool Teachers