Magis report 

There has been an excellent response for Interschool Debating this year, with 12 teams nominated so far, and only Year 11 still without a team. Due to COVID however Western Australia Debating League (WADL) have changed the arrangements so that for

2022 debates will be via an online format, and teams will be in rooms at John XXIII and debate against the other colleges; same as we have done in the International Debating competition over the past two years. WADL will be sending further instructions soon, and a meeting for all debaters will be held once this arrives.


Ms Daisy Farley is again organising the 2022 Mock Trials team, and there has been an excellent response from Politics and Law students There are special Covid regulations for participation at the Supreme Courts, and all families must follow these precisely.


The House Academic Challenge series begins next week, and Covid  has also forced modifications to this, with only groups of  normal classroom size permitted. Hence  a maximum of 30 per year will be able to participate. Academic Spelling is the first challenge.


Years 7 and 8 Magis elective students have to complete their goal-setting and strategic plans for academic success and need to finalise decisions on personal projects this week. Parents are encouraged to discuss the projects with their children.


Handbooks have now been distributed for both personal projects and goal setting. 

Jim Miller


Magis Gifted and Talented Program Coordinator