General Information
Attendance and Punctuality:
Research shows that there is a strong correlation between attendance, punctuality and achievement.
Did you know that:
· Attendance of 95% for the year equals 10 days that your child has been absent, that is 2 full school weeks of your child’s learning.
· Attendance of 90% for the year equals 19 days that your child has been absent, that is almost 4 school weeks missed.
· Attendance of 85% for the year equals 29 days that your child has been absent, that is almost 6 weeks of school weeks missed
. · Attendance of 80% for the year equals 39 days per year, that is over 7 school weeks missed.
· Arriving 5 minutes late every day adds up to over 3 days lost each year.
· Arriving 15 minutes late every days adds up to 2 weeks’ absence a year
· Arriving 30 minutes late every day adds up to 19 days absence a year.
A reminder to parents that all absences require a reason and a pre-approval is required for students wanting to take holidays during the term time. Please contact the school office for the relevant exemption forms.
School Uniforms
Clovelly Park Primary School expects students to wear their school uniform with pride.
This policy has been negotiated by the Governing Council in consultation with students, parents and staff.
The Governing Council have the responsibility to develop policy on dress codes within their school. The Clovelly Park Primary School community believes the wearing of our school uniform:
- promotes pride in our school
- enhances our public image
- ensures student safety
- reduces peer group pressures
- encourages appropriate clothing for school activities and excursions
- promotes a sense of equality and equal opportunity that will in turn promote self esteem.