Environmental Science

Year 12 - Marine Sanctuary visit
The year 12 Environmental Science class had perfect weather for their field trip to Rickett’s Point Marine Sanctuary this week. They completed quadrat sampling to work out how biodiverse the Teahouse Reef intertidal is, which we’ll be calculating back in class this week, in preparation for their upcoming assessment tasks. Lots of interesting things were seen including crabs, blennies, ghost shrimps and zombie sea urchins (dead sea urchins whose spines were still moving). It was great to get out into the environment and there was lots of excitement out on the reef.
Year 11 - Ecosystems
In year 11 environmental science we are currently investigating ecosystems. Over the last two weeks the students have been observing the effect of changing a factor of a freshwater ecosystem on the organisms that live in that ecosystem, which has involved counting a whole heap of very small very fast little critters!
Last week, they also investigated the effect of light on the processes of photosynthesis and respiration in a plant using an Ecochamber and Pasco data logging technology. These data loggers very accurately measure the carbon dioxide and oxygen in the chamber and give a very clear direct indication of what processes the plant is undergoing.
Kerry Archer
Enivonmental Science teacher