College Matters

Parents and Friends' Association AGM

The PFA's AGM will be held at 7pm, Tuesday 1 March in the main staff room. Enter through the General Office door. All parents and carers are invited to attend and get involved with the PFA which supports many of the programs and activities of the school community. 


Enquiries to Detta Gordon, Assistant Principal. 

Parent Teacher Student Interviews 

Following the successful use of video conferencing for our parent-teacher-student interviews in 2021 and 2022, we will continue to run PTS interviews online in 2022. We value the interactions between parents, teachers and students and we have found that the online forum has a range of benefits for all parties.


This notification is to inform you of the relevant dates for progress reports and the Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews:


Monday 28 February, 3:30pm

Years 11-12 progress reports available 

Interview bookings open for Year 11-12 students 


Wednesday 2 March, 3:30pmYears 7-10 progress reports are available 

Interview bookings open for all students


Monday 7 March - Year 7 -12 Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews - Day 1

1.30pm - 5pm & 6pm - 8pm

No scheduled classes will run on this day. Students are expected to attend the interviews.


Tuesday 22 March - Year 7 -12 Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews - Day 2

1.30pm - 5pm & 6pm - 8pm

No scheduled classes will run on this day. Students are expected to attend the interviews.


More information on how to book interviews will be release closer to the dates.


Ms Carol Duggan

Ms Detta Gordon

Assistant Principals