Careers and Pathways

Year 12 Career Meetings
While year 12 students may well feel like their final year has only just begun, in careers, we’re beginning to look ahead to the end of the year and what the class of 2022 are planning to do after they finish at MGSC.
Over the coming weeks, every year 12 student will participate in a one-on-one Career Meeting with Karen Garton – our Careers and Pathways Coordinator - to discuss their plans for 2023 and beyond. Year 12 students commence the university application process in August, so it’s important for students to begin researching their tertiary education options now! A career meeting covers things like the application process, course options, ATAR and subject requirements and pathway options. Students have the opportunity to ask questions and get advice that’s relevant for them.
And beyond this career meeting, students are of course welcome to drop back into the careers room at any time for additional support.
Karen Garton
Careers and Pathways Coordinator