Assistant Principal News

It has been a big start to 2021 for Year 7. Firstly, we wish to thank Parents and Carers for their support and attendance at our Year 7 New Parents Evening last night. The evening provided parents with a snapshot of the ways that their students will engage with teachers and peers during Homeroom, through the Pastoral care program, through the care offered from the College Wellbeing Programs, the range of exciting learning initiatives at the College and the strong Faith and Spirituality developed. 


The tour of the College also allowed us to showcase all of the exciting building developments and the impressive additions to our College resources. It was pleasing to see so many Year 7 parents and carers willing to be part of the partnership between School and homelife. We look forward to continue working with you in the coming six years.


If you were unable to attend this event you are able to collect information parcels from the front office of the College or contact them on 0269692400. All enrolments now occur online through our website at and by following the prompts when you click on the ‘Application to Enrol’ tab ( seen below)

Our 2022 Transition Program will also be commencing from next week. All students from St Patrick’s and St Mary’s will be attending next Wednesday and those from Non Catholic schools will be contacted via email once they register for the program through our College website. 


Below you can see the dates and times for the program and the tab to click to enrol. We encourage you to enrol asap so that your child can attend throughout the whole program. 


We look forward to welcoming all of our 2023 Yr 7 students to the College and for hem to experience all that MCC has to offer.


Yours in Learning,


Lora Segrave

Assistant Principal