Faith and Mission

Tim Swan - Director of Faith and Mission

Year 12 Retreat

Last week Year 12s enjoyed three days together at Don Bosco Retreat Centre, Safety Beach.  This was a special opportunity to reflect, think and discern, to listen carefully to one another and to share the stories of our life's journeys.


Students explored such deep questions as, Who am I?, What can I not live without?; How can I connect deeply to myself and to others?; What is my image of faith?; What does in mean to be reconciled to myself and to others?; How can I stay close to God?


There were plenty of fun and games and delicious food to be had as well!




We were blessed to have Fr Luke Bulley CP from St Paul Apostle Parish, Endeavour Hills with us.  He not only lead us in prayer but also in a special session on Thursday night regarding Reconciliation.  It was a very moving occasion where all members of the retreat, staff and students alike, reached out to each other in a gesture of apology and/or forgiveness - a gesture that involved making a sign of the cross with blessed oil on the hands of another, with or without words said.  It was an occasion of healing and of love.



The Retreat formed a rich foundation for the Year 12s for the remainder of their challenging year.

Project Compassion 2022

Ash Wednesday last week marked the start of the Lenten Season.  Every year we as a school community undertake as part of the Lenten journey a fund-raiser for Caritas, one of the largest charitable organisations in the world.  Caritas works to meet the needs of the poorest and most dis-empowered in the world.


Fund raising at St John's started early with a Valentine's Day Stall, pancake sales the day before Shove Tuesday, and raffle ticket sales at our Aquatics Carnival.



Every RE class this year has a Project Compassion Box.  Please spare a coin or two during the next few weeks.