Principal's Report

Last week our school paused on Ash Wednesday to participate in the solemn religious observance which begins the period of Lent in our Catholic Tradition. The purpose of Lent is to take time out of our busy lives to reflect on how God is asking us to live the Gospel values of love, justice, compassion and forgiveness. Over the 40 days of Lent that concludes at Easter, we pray for God's assistance to open our hearts to the teachings of Christ and the prompting of His Spirit.
Year 12 Retreat
Our Year 12 students enjoyed the opportunity to step away from school for three days when they attended our retreat programs at the Don Bosco Camp in Dromana last week. Conducted by the Lasallian Youth Ministry Team and members of our teaching staff, students were given time to reflect on the key moments and events that have shaped their lives to date and share a little of their hopes and aspirations for the future. Following on from the lockdowns experienced last year our young people really enjoyed the chance to stop in a very busy school year and just enjoy each other’s company, particularly the beautiful weather at the Dromana Beach. I wish to thank our Director of Faith & Mission – Mr Tim Swan, our Lasallian Youth Ministry Team, including our own Youth Minster Jess Edwards, Camp Organiser Ms Ash Fraraccio and all the other staff who worked superbly with our students to make this a memorable part of their final year of school.
2022 SJRC Aquatics Carnival
Despite the threat of rain , the 2022 SJRC Aquatics Carnival took place last Tuesday at the Doveton Swimming Centre. Students were eager to participate and a strong house spirit was evident with students sporting an array of house colours and leading the House Chants with enthusiasm. It was certainly a good feeling to be able to enjoy our carnivals once more. I have noted that each time we have come together as a community this year it has been a joyful event and a positive reminder that school life is beginning to return to normal.
I congratulate the individual winners in each age category and look forward to them representing St John’s at the SIS Carnival in Term 2. This year Columba House took out the double-header with the Shield for House Spirit and being crowned the overall Champion House. I congratulate their House Captains , Alliyah Manoop and Lennon Hughes, House Leader Mrs McNally and their students and staff for taking out these awards in 2022. I also thank the Sports Co-ordinator Mr Alexander, the H&PE Team and all staff for assisting in the smooth running of our 2022 carnival.
ICT Information Evening
On Monday 21st of February an ICT information evening was conducted for new and old parents to St John’s. Our ICT Systems leaders Ms Maria Nasioulas and IT Manager Mr Brian Griffith introduced our Learning Management System - SEQTA, which provides the curriculum resources for our students along with teacher feedback on assessment and student learning progress. One of the benefits of SEQTA is that parents will have access to information about student progress throughout the semester and will not have to wait until the end of semester reports to have a conversation with their sons and daughters about their learning. In addition to teacher feedback, parents will have access to information on student goal setting and attendance providing the opportunity for a wide range of timely conversations on learning progress with their children. I thank Ms Nasioulas and Mr Brian Griffith for their professional input and parent assistance on the night.
I advise that Ms Michele Trusler and Mr Henry Rech will be leaving St John’s after many years of fine service. Ms Trusler has worked as a Learning Support Officer for our students over the last 20 years and Mr Rech for 14 years as a technology technician in the woodwork department. Ms Trusler is looking forward to some well-deserved long service leave over the next two terms and Mr Rech looks forward to completing his own woodwork projects at home.
I also thank Ms Kim Gillam for her work in accounts over the last two months.
I welcome new to the staff Ms Caroline Fotheringham in accounts and Mr Erik Bolwerk as the new Technology Technician.
We also keep in our prayers Mr Neil Bullied and Mr Peter Colvin who are recovering from long periods of illness. We look forward to having them back at St John’s soon.
I congratulate staff members Andrew and Emily Dias on the birth of their daughter Matilda Rose on the 7th of February. All are going well and we look forward to welcoming the Dias family back to St John’s in the near future.
Opening College Assembly
Our opening College Assembly was held on the 22nd of February, and it was wonderful to be able to bring our parents, students, and staff together as a community to celebrate the high Achievers from the 2021 school year. Due to COVID restrictions, the assembly was held on a beautiful sunny morning in the open air under the roof of the new basketball courts. The highlight of the assembly was the speech given by our 2021 Dux Maria Hinen. Maria talked about the lessons she had learned at St John’s and the importance of persevering if you want to achieve your dreams. A recording of Maria’s words of wisdom can be found on the St John’s Facebook page. Other highlights of the assembly included the investiture of our Student Leaders and Student Representative Council Members for 2022 and the welcome into our community of the Year 7 students who will graduate in 2027.
Student Leadership Dinner
On Wednesday the 23rd of February, our new Student Leaders for 2022 gathered to celebrate their investiture and to begin their journey of servant leadership for 2022. They had the opportunity to work with ex-student leaders from St John’s, Kalows Abdalla and Jeremy Nyerenyere, as they considered the skills of leadership and the goals they wanted to achieve for this year. For the first time, all members of the Student Representative Council from Year 7 to Year 12 were present, giving our seniors students the opportunity to lead and for our younger students to experience the positive role modelling which will assist and guide them throughout the year.
I thank Mr Van Es, Chef Karla, Chef Van Der Laan and the Hospitality team for their preparation of the night and our staff who will act as Leadership Mentors and work closely with our Student Leaders throughout the year.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Our Parent Teacher interviews will take place on the 7th and 8th of April, the last two days of Term 1. I thank parents for their feedback on the mode of delivery of the parent teacher interviews. Taking this into account we have decided to stage the Thursday session of parent teachers interviews face to face at St John’s to give teachers and parents the opportunity to meet in person to discuss student learning. The Friday session will be held online through the Microsoft teams platform. Details on bookings will be forwarded to parents in the coming weeks.