News and Notices 

From the Principal

It is another beautiful day at RidgeView. I can hear the buzz of happy voices and am receiving many friendly waves as the children run past my office.


In the spirit of trying to keep things as normal as possible for our tamariki, we have decided to go ahead with our three-way conferences next Wednesday. Each conference will be for 10 minutes with five minutes between to move in or out of school. The teachers will set up their tables outside as long as the weather stays fine. We ask that each family wait at the gate until they are let in for their interview, and then leave straight afterwards. School will close at 1.30pm on this day. After-school care will be available.


I have sent out a Google Form for you to use in order to book a time.


We are also going to go ahead with our swimming carnival, but unfortunately we will not be able to have parents onsite as spectators. We are not allowed to have large groups of people onsite at Red setting. We will also keep our children in their class bubbles.

School Values

Our school values are Respect, Excellence and Positive Relationships. At the moment we are looking at Positive Relationships, in particular identifying when someone else is being kind. Our children seem able to say when they are being kind, but find it difficult to identify when someone is being kind to them. I would really encourage you to support your children both in being kind and acknowledging when someone is being kind to them.


We have some short dated long life milk. We are sending 1 litre home today with each family. Please pass it on to someone who can use it if you do not wish to keep it.

Life Education Trust

Everyone's favourite giraffe, Harold, is coming to school at the end of this term. There is a charge of $8. A permission slip will be coming out next week. The children have two sessions in the Life Education Caravan.

Teacher-Only Day

Thursday 14 April 2022 is a teacher only day. School will not be open for students on this day. Our staff will be doing professional development on dyslexia.

Old Mobile Phones

Do you have an old phone that you no longer use and would be happy to wipe clean and donate to the school? We are able to connect the phones to our internet and the children can then use them to take photos of their work or use some of the educational apps that are available.

RidgeView School Website

Our website needs updating and I am hoping that there is someone in our community who could spend a couple of hours a month putting information and redesigning where necessary.

Tying up Long Hair

I would really recommend that everyone with long hair, ties it up. It is much easier in the heat and with swimming if hair is neat and tidy. It also helps to stop the spread of nits.

Tough Guy and Gal Challenge (Mud Run)

Today we sent home information and permission slips for all those children who said they were interested in doing the Mud Run in August. It is usually a fun day and is a great lesson in resillience for our children. We need lots of parent helpers to help keep track of the children once they have finished the run as they finish at different times. There is a charge of $25, but please contact me if you need help paying this amount - I do not want anyone to miss out.

Fruit for Morning Tea

Does anyone have any fruit growing in their gardens that they would be able to donate to the school  for the children to eat at morning tea.

New Telephone Number

We have received notification that our landline is going to be disconnected. We will only have the mobile number 027 593 5963.


If your child is going to be away from school, please either email Kalene on or phone and leave a message on the answer phone. We need to follow up every day.