
Welcome to Term One 2022! My name is Miss Cecconello and I am the music teacher at Glen Waverley Primary School. I have played music most of my life beginning piano at the age of 5 years old and violin at the age of 7. Throughout Term One there will be a focus on beat, rhythm and harmony. These skills will then be developed throughout the year and used in different contexts such as playing in a group.




This term, Prep students will develop their singing voice and be introduced to a variety of songs from different genres. Students will also begin learning strategies to help them identify high and low sounds. They will explore pitch through instruments such as xylophones and boomwhackers. Later on in the term, students will be introduced to beat and rhythm through the use of body percussion. 


Year One

Throughout this term, students will continue to identify high and low sounds. They will also show pitch with their bodies using specific actions (pitch pointing). During the term, students will continue to develop their singing voices and be introduced to simple form (structure) in music. They will also be introduced to za (a crotchet rest) and explore how this can be used in music. Students will be given the opportunity to demonstrate this knowledge through playing songs on xylophone. 


Year Two

During Term One, students will continue to develop their aural skills and begin to transfer steps and skips to the tone ladder. They will develop their ability to listen and identify if notes have moved a step or a skip. Students will then begin to transfer this knowledge to the tone ladder in preparation for reading music notation. They will be introduced to new notes (minims) through short simple songs that will be learnt on the keyboard.


Year Three

Throughout this term, students will continue to develop their knowledge of steps and skips and begin to transfer this knowledge from the tone ladder to formal music notation. Students will then use this knowledge to compose short melodies using a combination of solfa and notation, including time signatures and bar lines. They will be introduced to a new note (semiquavers, tika-tika) and begin to use this in their melodies. Students will have the opportunity to transfer this knowledge to the keyboard and xylophone. 


Year Four

This term, students will be exploring the music making application Garageband on their iPads and learning simple folk songs on piano. They will learn folk songs from around the world and create a song of their own using Garageband. Students will continue to learn where notes sit on the stave and where they are on the piano. They will also be introduced to the new rhythm of a quaver followed by two semiquavers (ti-tikka).


Year Five

This term, Year Five students will develop their understanding of chords, both through singing and the use of instruments. They will work with Ukuleles to learn songs with common chord progressions. Students will also be introduced to two new rhythms, ti-tikka and tikka-ti. These will then be explored using instruments such as piano and guitar.


Year Six

Throughout Term One, Year Six students will investigate harmony in various contexts. Students will begin by learning more complex chords on ukulele through songs. They will then be able to choose to continue to learn more difficult chords on ukulele, learn voice leading on piano or barre chords on guitar.