Extra Curricular & Wellbeing

Beth, Breakfast club
Beth, Breakfast club

Careers Market

Welcome to Lisa Russell our new Drama Teacher. It is wonderful to have consistency and enthusiasm for this subject. We have been fortunate in having Drama teachers who always want the best for their students and who are prepared to be available for those extra rehearsal times. 


We sadly farewell Jane Slattery. Jane has been a magnificent Drama Teacher over an extended period here at Canterbury Girls High School. Her responsibilities in the English faculty reduced her availability to be in the Drama Classroom. However, her readiness to enthuse, promote and support this subject has always been meaningful and appreciated

State Drama Ensemble 

Welcome - Lisa Russell - Drama Teacher
Welcome - Lisa Russell - Drama Teacher

Congratulations to the following students 7-10 that were successful in being accepted into the NSW State Drama Ensembles.  The process can be intimidating despite the efforts of staff to make students comfortable.  It shows great focus, determination and ability to be given a place in these Ensembles. 

Zahra Singh Canterbury Girls High School 

Josie Ritter Canterbury Girls High School 

Maggie Crowley Canterbury Girls High School 

Charlotte Earp Canterbury Girls High School 

Sophie MacRae Canterbury Girls High School 

Sasha Morey Canterbury Girls High School 

Edie Crawcour-Smith Canterbury Girls High School 


Neve Hobbs Canterbury Girls High School 


Calantha Hopwood-Craig Canterbury Girls High School 


Afsana Kazi Canterbury Girls High School 



The Drama Showcase which highlights the work of the HSC Drama Students as they prepare for their External HSC Drama Practical Examination will take place on Wednesday 17th August in the Cantabrian Hall. Simultaneously, The Music Showcase will also take place at that time as there are no students taking both Music and Drama this Year. The Art Exhibition will open on run from the 23rd -26th August. These events take place after school and parents and friends are invited to be audience to the presentations.

Educational activity

Participate in the Compulsory NSW Department of education's Life Ready Program. Life Ready is a mandatory 25-hour course designed to prepare and support senior students as they encounter. situations related to health and safety as they become more independent and gain more responsibilities.


This activity has been planned to supplement the following work being done in the classroom:

Skill development is central to learning in Life Ready. The development of the following skills will empower students to take positive action to be healthy, safe and well; promote positive and respectful relationships and transition confidently to post school independence, and participation in the community

Support Officer Update

Things are definitely picking up pace and we have some great programs that are now in full swing, with a few more to come throughout the remainder of the year.

In term 2 we began holding a group for some junior students, to build on their planning and organisational skills and help them to recognise and work through feelings of stress. The group has been really helpful for some of our year 7’s, who have come out of their shell a little more each week.


In term 3, I started holding an LGBTQIA+ safe space for students to be able to come and hang out or drop in for some support. This will continue running on Monday lunches, in B7 for anyone who is interested or seeking support

Message from principal, Works In The School

Our sound and light installation is now complete in the Dome. The lights have already been used to support theatrical and cultural events at the school. 

Our roofing replacement is also making great progress with the scaffolding down at the front of the school. In the photo you can see a before and after comparison.


SEA News 

According to a study done by Oz Harvest, Australia wastes over 7.6 million tones of food per year. 70% of this is perfectly edible. Food waste is costing our economy $36.6 billion dollars per year, due to causing higher demand, which raises food costs significantly. 


Wasting this much food also wastes A LOT of water (2600 gigalitres of water per year to be exact). Surely there’s something we can do about this though? Correct! Here are a few simple steps you can take to reduce your household food waste: 1 Buy only the food you need 2 That way you don’t need to throw out anything that you didn’t eat that has been left to rot in the back of your fridge. 


If you do happen to need more food, you can buy more 3 Use your leftovers! Put your leftover dinners to use, creating an original salad for lunch or perhaps a mixed dinner. 4 Buy vegetables and fruits that are in season. While this doesn’t specifically help reduce food waste, it does help save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as fresh produce will not have to be transported from overseas.


 This also improves the quality, as you won’t have bruised fruits and vegetables The Soon Ending Plastic Ban On 16 November 2021, the NSW Government passed the Plastic Reduction and Circular Economy Act 2021. This legislation delivers on the government’s commitment to ban certain problematic plastics, such as single-use plastics and address the problem of plastic waste and the ban was up in June 2022 but this will soon end in November. 


What will happen when the ban is lifted and when will the ban come back again? Climate bill news article On July 27th this year the ALP announced a new climate bill, arguably the biggest step towards limiting emissions that has been made by a government this century. The climate bill is proposing at least a 43% reduction of emissions by 2030 and net zero by 2050. 


The bill has received a majority with both the ALP and the Greens voting for it, some Liberals have also decided to cross the floor. This means it is most likely going to be passed. Though most people would agree it is not nearly enough, it is a step in the right direction. Good news! The world’ s fastest electric ship will set sail in Stockholm next year, slashing environmental impacts and commuter time. 


The Candela P-12 is a 30-passenger ‘flying ferry’, that will reach speeds of 30 knots. Even better, the ship is said to be the most energy-efficient yet. The P-12’ s flying ability and subsequent lack of wake prevent wave damage to sensitive shorelines and nature caused by conventional passenger ships

Careers Market

On Monday the school had its first Careers Market. At lunch time the event was open to Year 12 and I was so pleased to see so many students take advantage of the event on their doorstep. Year 10 had the opportunity to walk through as part of the Week of Wellbeing program. We also invited Year 12 from Canterbury Boys to attend. There was great enthusiasm from all students.

Many guides were taken, questions asked and no one will be without a pen for the rest of the year. I truly hope the students enjoyed the event and got some great post school inspiration from the event.