Parents and Friends

Parents and Friends Association

Thank you to the parents that joined us on Tuesday at the P&F meeting, both in person and via zoom - one of few silver linings of the pandemic, allowing parents to participate from home and distant locations. It is wonderful to see so much enthusiasm and energy at our meetings and we welcome any parents who have ideas or suggestions for our P&F events lined up this year and beyond! We encourage anyone interested in receiving minutes from the meetings and general P&F information email us at and become a part of our mailing list. 


As the weather has indicated it is Sheepvention time! Thank you to those who have already returned raffle tickets and for the Year 11 and 12 families who have made donations to the wheelbarrow. A quick reminder that the raffle money, tickets and donations are due back tomorrow (Friday 29 July) and the raffle will be drawn at 12pm on Tuesday 2 August. 


The P&F are proudly supporting the free parent session led by Australia’s Leading Cyber Safety Expert, Susan McLean, on Monday 1 August at 7:00pm-8:30pm in the Simon’s Auditorium. This is a wonderful opportunity for both parents and our Senior School students who will be working with Susan on Tuesday 2 August. Tickets are free but limited to auditorium capacity so please reserve your seat here:  Tea/coffee and light refreshments will be served just prior, so please join us from 6:30pm.


Our wonderful School Counsellor Kate Couchman is seeking expressions of interest for a parent/carer Youth Mental Health First Aid training course run over two days on August 19th and 23rd (dates tentative, will be confirmed). This course aims to increase skills to have effective conversations with children about mental health, awareness of signs and symptoms of mental health conditions and increasing confidence for those working with and supporting children with poor mental health. To register your interest, please email Kate at


It is fantastic to see our children back into the swing of things in week 2 and enjoying spending time with their friends and teachers once more. 


Amanda Nagorcka

President Parents and Friends