From the Principal 

“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” – Mark Twain.

Welcome back to Term 3!  I trust you enjoyed your break and have taken the time to read my recent letter sent Friday 15 July 2022.  Last weekend, I returned home from the Year 10 Central Australia trip and I could not help but reflect on how mightily impressed I was by the myriad of ways that our students were able to demonstrate kindness and consideration towards each other.  On frequent occasion, I watched boys and girls place the needs of others before themselves, without expecting praise or reward. I hope to hear similar stories from Mittagundi when Year 9 commence the next stage of the Micah Program Sunday week. John Lindros, CEO of Auscamp, agreed and commented that this Year 10 cohort were ‘the best group he had ever worked with in his forty years of outdoor education’. High praise indeed!  I thank our supervising staff Leigh Alexander, Lou Williams, Helen Reiher, Ali Churchill, Rachel Vallance and Mark Diprose for their enormous contribution to the journey. 

Please note I encourage every parent to attend Susan McLean’s presentation on cyber safety on Monday 1 August at 6pm in the Simons Auditorium. Her no nonsense approach is always informative and entertaining.  I thank the P&F for sponsoring such an important community forum.

Finally, please be aware that tickets are selling fast for Matilda - our first College musical in three years.  We would love all families to experience this wonderful show, taking place Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening as well as a Saturday matinee.  I wish Director Bonita Silva, Musical Director Benjamin Hiscock and the cast every success.

See you at Sheepvention.


Dr Andrew Hirst
