
Hi Everyone. Our Activities Programme had a somewhat disrupted start for the first week of Term 3 due to my being unwell and absent.  On behalf of the Boarders, I would like to thank Mr Michael McTaggart who was able to continue to run the activities whilst I was away. 


We were also able to use the hall in weeks 1 and 2 before its use for the trial HSC exams and the weather was kind enough to allow activities on the oval and courts as well as, town leave.


In week 4,  the boarders celebrated Naidoc. This year’s theme is GETUP!, STAND UP, SHOW UP!   Aboriginal Community Worker, Jason  Jolley ad dressed the Boarders.

We were also very fortunate to have a young local artist by the name of Tyrone Hoerler come in and help with a very special project planned for our boarding students.


And the Winner is...

A colouring completion is always fun and as part of NAIDOC week celebrations. students and staff enjoyed every moment of the Get Up, Stand Up, and Show.


See below the winners of this competition each receiving a small prize. Suspiciously, the tall one in the middle looks like our Activities Officer Jody Siegwalt - yes,  he won the staff section. Congratulations to all concerned.

Winners: Alec Bell- Magnone, Samuel Thomsen, Jody Seigwalt, Madeleine Biggam and Celeste Crain
Winners: Alec Bell- Magnone, Samuel Thomsen, Jody Seigwalt, Madeleine Biggam and Celeste Crain



NAIDOC presentation by Jason Jolley
NAIDOC presentation by Jason Jolley
Leadership Group Meeting
Leadership Group Meeting



Jody Siegwalt | Activities Officer