
Mount Erin Boarding Leadership 

Current Year 11 Boarders will be invited to nominate for Boarding Captain 2022 - 2023 from Monday 15 August.  These are very important leadership roles and should be considered by those students who want to contribute to Boarding and make a difference in boarding life.  Students who are interested in nominating are invited to attend a meeting with the Leader of Boarding on Monday 15 August at 5:45 pm in Meeting Space 2.

Kildare - Uniform purchases - online shop portal

Please note for purchasing uniform items KCC is currently taking orders via our online shop portal.  This allows staff the two-hour turnaround time from order placement to the goods available at the front office. KCC is working towards the new uniform shop and the new range of uniforms being available during term 4.


More information will be forthcoming. All available items and sizes can be viewed and purchased HERE.

Important Dates:

Boarders' Graduation Dinner and Farewell Presentation:Week 6 August 24
Year 11 Trial Exams:  Monday, September 5 to  Fri Sept 16  Week 8
College Term Dates: 
Term 3:July 18 - September 23
Term 4:October 10 - December 9