Homework Club radio show on 979FM

Into our 7th year doing the Homework Club radio show on 979FM, I cannot remember a show that I did not host, well yesterday it happened, I lost my voice on the eve of the show, a special guest was booked and there was no way of cancelling the show, step in Year 12 student Jade Amanda, I put the question to her on Wednesday during school, if my voice don’t come back tomorrow you are hosting the show, she did not even flinch, and walked away to class.
Then there was the co-host for the show Jazmine, the question was asked to Jazz, Jazz you are interviewing our guest on the show, with help from Josie, one of our excellent Wellbeing Officers at Staughton College, the questions were written up.
Show time, everything ran like clockwork, I was not needed, Jade Amanda ran the show and Jazz co-hosted and the year 7 team just delivered the Staughton College newsletter in their normal manner, I was so proud of the group, our special guest Melissa O’Neill, our Community Awareness Officer from Headspace, Melton arrived, the show ran smoothly, Jazz delivered the questions in a professional manner and our special guest answered the questions, with so much information to our listeners about Headspace and the services they provide.
Thank you to Melissa O’Neill from Headspace Melton for attending.
Thank you to Jade Amanda for filling in for me as host (Great Job)
Thank you to Jazz (Co-host) and her team of Jayda, Marshall,
Madison and Georgia for another great job. (My report card A+)
William Cachia
Homework Club Radio Host