VCE Exam timetable

The 2022 VCE examination timetable has now been released. All students studying a Unit 3 and 4 (year 12) subject are required to sit exams. The external exams, conducted by the VCAA, contribute to students ATAR scores. All written exams will be conducted onsite at Staughton College. Students are required to be present 45 minutes prior to their exam, with correct materials and in full school uniform. Students are only required on site for their exams during the examination period.
Students can visit the VCAA website ( to see the exam timetable. As we get closer to the exams, all students will be provided with an individual timetable for the examination period. Families are encouraged to speak with their children about when their exams are scheduled. Please note that exams have both morning and afternoon start times and can run until 5:15pm.
All students must read the VCAA examination rules for VCE and the GAT. It is also their responsibility to be familiar with materials and equipment authorised for use in the GAT and VCE written examinations.
Key exam dates are as follows:
- Wednesday 7 September – General Achievement Test- (VCE and Senior VCAL students)
- Monday 3 October to Sunday 30 October – Performance and Languages oral examinations
- Wednesday 19 October – Languages (CCAFL) written examinations
- Wednesday 26 October to Wednesday 16 November – Written examinations
Any questions regarding the exams can be directed to Claire Mann