Important Dates

Term 3

Playgroup every Wednesday 2:20 pm - 3:20 pm (more details in office news)
22nd  Grandparents Day
22 - 25th

Book Week!

Book Week Parade - Students were invited to dress up as your favourite book character!

23rd Assembly featuring our Year 3-4 children - No families on site until further notice. Recording of assembly available on SeeSaw
26th  Closure Day - Student Free Day - Ourpatch Combined Program at STS
31st Fathers Day Breakfast @ 8:00 am - 8:30 am

Fathers Day Stall 

Final Fee Instalment Payment and Outstanding Balances Due

9th Footy Day! - Dress in your footy colours
12th Parent teacher interviews 
13th Assembly featuring our Year 5-6 children - No families on site until further notice. Recording of assembly available on SeeSaw
16th Last Day of Term 3, Sports Day @ St Stephen's, 1:00 pm Finish

Term 4

3rd First Day of Term 4
14thWhole School excursion to the Art Centre
21stOne Heart Adults Only Trivia Night @ St Gabriel's
31st Closure Day - Student Free Day
3rd1/2 Afterschool Dinner 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm
6th Year Six Graduation Liturgy 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
12th Christmas Night @ St Gabriel's
16th Last Day of School for 2022, 1:00pm Finish