Learning and Teaching

Book Week

Book Week was a big success across both schools. We thank our Grandparents and families who joined us for reading and our Book Week parade on Monday.  Throughout the week, children have enjoyed engaging in Book week and literacy activities such as exploring new picture books, scavenger hunts, and a visit from a mystery reader.  

3-6 Projects

This term, our 3-6 children have sparked their interests through ‘My Project’.  This time allows children to choose a learning process such as Research, Problem Solving, Investigating, or Scientific to engage in a project that is enjoyable, stretches their learning, and has impact on a particular audience.  Children are conferenced heavily with educators to insure there is rigour in their project and they have clear goals and a timeline throughout.  Children will launch their projects once finished - this might be to a small audience such as a friend or their hub, or a larger audience such as a community organisation or on seesaw.  

Parent Teacher Interviews

Monday 12th September 1.00pm - 5.30pm. Online or at school. 


A booking code will be sent shortly. If you attend the school - you must be fully vaccinated with proof shown at the office. This is a time that our educators will discuss and celebrate your children's learning, progressions, and growth.  


If you already have had or a going to  have a PSG meeting this term, this replaces Parent Teacher interviews and you do not need to book. 


Please BOOK HERE St Stephens:  http://www.schoolinterviews.com.au/code/v5u4e