From the Acting Principal

Course selection for 2020 should now be complete for students currently  in Years 9 to 11. I would like to acknowledge the work of our staff who were involved during this process over the past few weeks, in particular, Ms Snow, Ms Wheare, Ms M Kelly, Mr Raiti, Ms Vossos and our sub school leaders in Mr Wallace and Mr Hosking. Their efforts have ensured a smooth and seamless course counselling and selection process. Thank you to all the students and parents who were well organised and prepared, this certainly made our work much easier.

We now turn our attention to the Year 7 and Year 8 students who will have received their own web code and will be able to select subjects for 2020 using the EDVAL website provided. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the junior school office for assistance.


Year 9 students recently underwent an online assessment to determine possible future careers and pathways. This assessment known as the Morrisby Report is available to each child who completed the testing and is a useful resource for families.  I encourage parents to engage in conversation with students about the results of the assessment. Both Mr Raiti and MS Vossos are available if you have any questions regarding the details of the reports.

The College is a hive of activity during these winter months. During the school day, a number of lunchtime activities are available and in addition, staff at the College continue to go above and beyond by giving up their time at lunch and after school to run our clubs and homework sessions on Monday and Wednesday nights. It is very pleasing to see so many students in attendance availing themselves of the support provided. It is also terrific to see extra English support provided this term to students in Year 10. This is available after school on Mondays  for Year 10 students only.  Please see Ms Mortellaro if you are interested.

Thank you and congratulations to all our Year 12 students who attended the Year 12 English Exam during curriculum day a few weeks ago. These exams have been assessed externally and will provide a great insight and feedback into what is working well for our current Year 12 English VCE students and what needs to be done over the next 10 weeks in the lead up to the Official Year 12 Exams. English is a prerequisite for virtually every University course and will be one of the top four subjects in the ATAR calculation. Well done to Ms Bruckard and the English faculty for introducing this initiative.


The websites below can assist with University courses, requirements and estimate possible ATAR scores.


Finally, I would like to officially welcome Ms Sarah Mostyn to Rosehill Secondary College who is replacing Ms Wilson while she is on maternity leave. Sarah has a great deal of industry experience in textiles and will be a wonderful addition to our staff.


Arthur Soumalias

Acting Principal​​​​​