Wellbeing @ Weeden

Advice from Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue has fact sheets about anxiety and offers other practical advice and resources at beyondblue.org.au  


Access good quality information

It’s important to get accurate information from credible sources such as those listed below. This will also help you maintain perspective and feel more in control.


Conversations with children and young people

Families and caregivers of children and young people should discuss news of the virus with those in their care in an open and honest way. Try to relate the facts without causing alarm, and in a way that is appropriate for their age and temperament. It is important to listen to any questions they may have, to let them know that they are safe and that it’s normal to feel concerned. If the media or the news is getting too much for them, encourage them to limit their exposure.


Seek support

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed by news of the outbreak, particularly if you have experienced mental health issues before.

Where possible, it can help to maintain normal routines. It can also help to stay in touch with friends and family, eat a balanced diet and stay physically active.

Acknowledge feelings of distress and seek further professional support if required.