Year 8 Pastoral Guardian

Year 8 - A Year for 2020 Vision

Welcome to 2020!


How lovely it was to re-connect with your daughters last week, to see them looking refreshed, excited about re-connecting with friends, and returning to familiar routines, and to hear of their anticipation for a fulfilling year.


2020 - a new decade, a new school year, and a chance for a new beginning.  New beginnings are about our hearts, our heads, and our hopes for the year ahead.

At our first Year 8 assembly last week, I presented to the students our focus or vision for the year:


In 2020 we aspire to:

  • Be Positive – in attitude, words, actions about ourselves, others, our college, and the gift of our education 
  • Be Purposeful – being intentional and focused when in class, when undertaking homework and assessment, when spending time with friends and in activities; taking responsibility for the choices we make.  Whatever we undertake, be in the moment and make the moment count!
  • Be Proactive – taking proper steps to make things right; seeking help as soon as possible from appropriate people so that strategies can be developed and solutions achieved.
  • Prosper - when the above factors are enacted, each and every student lays the foundation for individual and group success.


New beginnings allow students to set goals and priorities and establish plans so that aspirations become a reality.  If something was unfulfilling or not achieved last year, now is the time to 'adjust the sails' so that the same does not occur.  Students need to keep their goals, priorities, and plans at the forefront of what they do.  In other words, 2020 vision is required for 2020’s vision to be achieved.


I am looking forward to working with you and your daughters this year.  May it be a year that brings great joy through fulfilling relationships, new learnings, and opportunities to feel challenged and to grow.


Until next time

Jeni Barlow

Conversation Starters

What is your 2020 vision?

In what ways can you be more positive, purposeful, and proactive?

What strategies do you see your friends using, that you could adopt to achieve your vision?

How can I help you to achieve your vision?