Counsellors' Corner

Welcome to 2020!  My name is Ellie Keane and I have been a Guidance Counsellor at Mount Alvernia College since the beginning of 2019.  Along with the many changes that a new school year brings, we are welcoming a new staff member to the Guidance Counselling team – Ms Emma Moore.  Emma joins us from spending a year in France with her family, and has previously worked as a Guidance Counsellor in the Diocese of Cairns. It’s great to have Emma on board and we are both looking forward to working with your young person throughout the year.

Emma Moore
Emma Moore


The new school year is an exciting time for students as they navigate new classes, peers, and teachers.  It provides a fresh start and plenty of new opportunities in their new year level.  Despite the excitement of a new beginning, it can also be a time of uncertainty which can be daunting for our young people.  It can be difficult for parents to know how to support their child as they navigate these changes.  Some suggestions for helping your child are:

  • Normalise feelings about change (eg nerves, stress, frustration).
  • Encourage your child to use coping strategies to manage stress related to changes (eg practise focussed deep breathing together).
  • Rather than focusing on the difficulty of changes, try to help your child see change as an opportunity for positive growth.
  • Don’t facilitate avoidance.  Rather, help your child cope and adjust to the changes.
  • Model effective coping skills.
  • Encourage your child to communicate and seek help when appropriate.

As Guidance Counsellors, we work closely with students, families, teachers, and Pastoral Guardians to support the wellbeing of all students at the College.  This includes individual sessions with students, liaising with teaching staff, meeting with parents to support their young people, mental health assessments, and referrals to external professionals.  Our role also includes preparing the Personal Development Program alongside Ms Annette Butterworth (Deputy Principal – Student Development and Wellbeing) for the students from Years 7 to 12.  Together with Annette, we tailor the programs to address the developmental needs of their year level.


We aim to educate the students on key issues for young people, as well as encourage resilience and support strategies.  Part of our role also includes assisting the Peer Support Team, consisting of twenty Years 11 and 12 students.  These students are trained to assist those students in the College needing support, and work to alert the community and raise funds for key mental health organisations and awareness days (eg R U Ok? Day).


Emma and I are looking forward to working with you and your families.  We hope this will be a fantastic year for your child, and that they continue to thrive as they continue their journey at Mount Alvernia College.  If you have any questions or concerns that you’d like to discuss, please contact us Ellie – or Emma –


Best wishes to you and your family for a happy and successful beginning to the 2020 school year!


Ellie Keane