Communication Team

Our Team

Welcome to the Communication Leadership Team page for 2019! We will be bringing you news from around the school each fortnight, showcasing the wonderful learning that is happening in each learning area and reporting on exciting events!

This week, the Communication Team is reporting to you on what each learning area around the school is learning about in PE & Art:

Preps –       

In Art,  Mrs Wilson has been teaching the preps have been learning about primary and secondary colours. They have also been mixing colours.

In PE, Mr Preston has been teaching the preps lots of tagging games. The preps have also been focusing on following the rules when they are playing the games.

By Will

Grade 1-2

What have you been doing in art? “We have been doing lines and patterns and stuff” said Sienna “yeah” said Mikhail

What patterns have you been doing? “We have been doing swirls” replied Sienna “what about you?” “swirls,” Mikhail said simply.

Do you like art? “Yes,” they both said together.

Anything else? “Colouring and colours” said Mikhail “ yeah lots of nice colours” finished off Sienna.   

In sport the 1/2s have been doing Jurassic park games the rules are: there are two park rangers that save people, there is all different types of balls that the dinosaurs hit people with. (Layla & Izel)

By Charlotte & Kayla


In sport Shai, Romily  and their classmates have been doing underarm passing and hiding. This week we played sardines. It’s fun, Mr Preston is a great teachers.

In art Carlos, Ayen and their classmates are learning about lines and patterns. We have been colouring and working very hard. This week we did squiggly lines and squares. We coloured in the squares.

By Maggie & Narkita

Grades 3-4

In 3/4 LC and ED, Will and Declan interviewed Arlen and Taylor.

In PE with Mr Preston, he taught them how to shoot basketball hoops.

In the art with Mrs Wilson, they did a mirror zone.   

By Declan

Interviews with - 

EJ Valoia - 3/4 JG

How have sport and art been recently?  Good I have had, a lot of fun We have been doing John Miro artwork and working on basketball skills

What have your favourite things been? Shooting basketballs


Rowan Ratcliffe - 3/4 JG

What has been your favourite thing about sport and art this year? Shooting and aliens. Being with my friends.

What was your favourite thing about art? Being able to do what I want and our abstract.


Deng Dang - 3/4 AB

What have been the hardest things in sport and art?  Basketball.

What has been doing in art, have you done some John Miro work? Yes.


Ella Davkovski 3/4 AB

How has sport and art been this year? Uhh good, in sport like basketball and in art John Miro artwork.

What was the most challenging thing in art? When I try to do something & I can't get it as I see in my head.

And are Mr Preston and Mrs Wilson great teachers? The Best.

By Luke & Tate

Grades 5-6

PE - Interview Questions

Thomas Seddon

  1. What has your favourite focus been? Volleyball
  2. From 1 to 10, how do you rate sport so far? Ten
  3. In your opinion, is Mr Preston a good sports teacher? Definitely

Madison den Hartog

  1. What has your favourite focus been? Netball
  2. From 1 to 10, how do you rate sport so far? Eight
  3. In your opinion, is Mr Preston a good sports teacher? Yes

Ben Andrews

  1. What has your favourite focus been? Basketball
  2. From 1 to 10, how do you rate sport so far? Ten
  3. In your opinion, is Mr Preston a good sports teacher? Yes, 100%

Sebastian Lawless

  1. What has your favourite focus been? Volleyball
  2. From 1 to 10, how do you rate sport so far? Nine
  3. In your opinion, is Mr Preston a good sports teacher? 222% good


In art lately, we have been using the grid strategy to draw life-like, detailed drawings. Because it is nearly ANZAC day, we have done slouch hats. It is wonderful to see so many people that are not confident in drawing produce beautiful pictures.

By Lachlan & Toby