Principal's Announcements

Ruby's Baptism

It was a wonderful occasion a couple of weeks ago with the baptism of Ruby Briggs (Gr 3 JG) at one of our school masses.  What a special day it was for her and her family!

Project Compassion

Well done to everyone who have made such a big effort to raise money for Project Compassion.  If everyone could please return the money boxes before the end of the week would be great.

Mr Preston Does it Again!

Congratulations to Mr Preston who was presented the Ambassador of the Year Award at the Sports For All Ceremony in Melbourne last week.  This is Josh's second major award this year after his Cricket Victoria achievement earlier in the term.  He is a wonderful PE teacher and these acknowledgements reflect what an excellent young man he is.  Well done Josh!

Easter Performance

Please mark in your diaries our Easter Reflection which is taking place tomorrow Thursday 4th April at 2.15pm in the Marian Centre.

First Reconciliation

Congratulations to all the children who celebrated their First Reconciliation last week.  Reconciliation gives us an opportunity to reflect on our lives and how we can improve.  It is a very powerful way to cleanse our consciences. 

Mr Butts On Leave

I have been lucky to have been granted Enrichment Leave for all of Term 2 this year.  During this time I will be (hopefully!) completing my Master of Special Education that I have been studying over recent years. Ms Carroll will be Acting Principal in my absence.

Parent Teacher Interviews

At the School Board meeting we decided to trial a new system based on goal setting with the students, teachers and parents.  This will take place in Term's 2, 3 and 4 with a greater focus on targeted goals and more options for parents to attend.  Bookings are now available on the Parent Access Module.

Principal's Award

Winner Week 8 - Jasmine Lewis. I was amazed at Jasmine's resilience after she returned from major surgery last year.  She has continued to be upbeat and shares her wonderful sense of humour often with those around her.  Well done Jasmine!

Winner Week 9 - Maggie Davis.  Maggie is a great role model and displays leadership qualities on a daily basis. She shows initiative in the classroom, is very polite and respectful to all her peers and teachers, and is a responsible learner.  Maggie is very friendly, and is able to engage in conversation with teachers and adults alike.   She also proved her media skills when interviewed by reporters this term!


Gr 5/6 

The Gr 5/6 area opened their classrooms this week to share the work they have been doing throughout the term.  Thank you to the parents who were able to visit and be part of their children's learning.

Lost Fitbit

If anyone has found a Fitbit recently can it please be handed in to the office.  It was a birthday present that has only recently been received.

Seasons for Growth

Seasons for Growth is a program run by Harris Dickason (Wellbeing Officer) for children who have experienced trauma in their lives such as bereavements or parent separation.  If you think your child could benefit from this program in Term 2, please let myself or your child's teacher know.

Last Day of School

Please note that the last day of Term is this Friday 5th April.  School will conclude at 2:20pm.  Buses will also run an hour early.

Mr Butts' Jokes of the Week!

How do cows add up their grocery bill?  On their cowculator!

Why can't Cinderella play soccer?  Because she keeps running away from the ball! (Thanks Abbie Higgins for this one!)


I hope you all have a wonderful holiday with your families and have a Happy Easter.