From Our School Leaders

Welcome Back

We hope everyone had a terrific break over the school holidays.  It was nice to be out enjoying a bit of winter sun. I hope you were able to take some time out to rest and catch up. 


Term 3 has started off with our Foundation – Year 4 swimming program. We are very glad to be able to get our children into the swimming program and they are doing so well.  Every group that leaves here each morning is very happy to be getting on the bus and getting into the pool. As a school we are grateful that we are able to fit this in.  There has been a lot of negotiation and changes around this program due to COVID restrictions and lockdowns, and we would like to thank Ms Symons and Tina for sorting it out. 


Scoresby PS Is 150 Years Next Year!  1872 - 2022

Next year Scoresby Primary School will be celebrating 150 years of educating the people of Scoresby, and it is time to celebrate! 


We are looking for volunteers to help plan our 150th celebration year in 2022. Please contact Raelene Davis in our school office if you are interested in joining our "150 Years Working Party".  Please also ask family and community members if they would like to join as well. 


Website And Photo Agreements 

We are starting today with plans for our new school website. School websites are the new front doors for schools. Most people now browse web pages before they go looking and calling in on schools and what they have to offer. We will be working with a local company, On Point Digital Solutions, who will be designing the webpage, creating videos and taking pictures to go on the page. 


As part of the package and website build, we have a professional photographer coming to take photographs around the school of children inside and outside the classroom, drone footage of the school and a drone photograph of our whole school community on our oval. 


With this work ahead of us, we will be enforcing our Photo and Media agreements with all families. This consent document was sent home to families last year (this year for Foundation students) and is an opt out consent form. 


If you have requested that your child NOT be photographed or videoed, then we will be asking them to stand aside during our large drone shots UNLESS YOU TELL US OTHERWISE.


You are welcome to come to the school office and speak with our office staff if you are unsure about the arrangements for your child. 


New Look Front Entrance

Have you noticed our front steps have been re-painted? Over the holidays, one of our school families assisted us with this task. Thank you to the Vahebi family for getting the job done quickly. The entrance looks much improved with a new coat of paint.




Scoresby Primary School Leaders