New additions to the team

The VET Agriculture students at Trinity College added some new fury additions to their paddocks recently. We were lucky enough to have 8 bobby calves donated by Matt and Allison Reid at Otway Milk.

Students in their studies, learn how to care for the calves, including skills like; making up milk, feeding, drawing up a feeding program, vaccinating and tagging. 

Matt kindly donated some time to teach students about vaccinating and tagging, and the students were all given the opportunity to get involved and practice these skills during a recent class. 

The VET AG program has also been well supported by Tom Newton at Maxum Animal Nutrition and Paul Hardiman at Ridley Agriproducts who have donated milk powder and calf pellets for the animals. 

On behalf of the students in the program, we would like to thank Matt, Allison, Maxum Animal Nutrition and Ridley Agriproducts for their kind donations and support. 

If there are any local farmers, VET’s, or suppliers who would like to get involved in the program, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with me.

Jess Van den Eynde – VET AG Teacher