College life in pictures

Happy snaps from the past fortnight!

Getting in the cross country spirit

The College's Junior School cross country team hit the track for the Tasmanian All Schools Cross Country Carnival at Symmons Plains on Tuesday 22 June. Sofia Palermo and Isabel Hordern (Year 4) are pictured below, cheering their classmates on from a distance. 

A day for mud play

Kinder Koalas and Wallabies became one with the mud while visiting St Virgil's College Senior School for mud play today. Luckily they were wearing their coveralls and gumboots!

One-of-a-kind beach tables

Year 9 Materials and Design students have been creating beach tables in eye-catching designs using epoxy resin. 

Getting creative in Year 1

Snapped! Students in Year 1 channelled their inner artists to produce some beautiful and brightly coloured paintings.