From the Principal

More than any time I can remember, we seem to have been hit hard with the weather at school this year. The Year 10 Camp on Maria Island was awash, the cross country carnival had rain all day, the Mother's Day breakfast was bitterly cold and, most recently, the Darkside arts festival saw it pour! 


There is a resilience in the spirit of Tasmanians where the weather is seldom a reason to cancel. In fact, Darkside was a roaring success, with a large number of spectators attending the event. It is great to come together as a community and celebrate. Thanks to all of you who braved the conditions. I am sure, like me, you felt it was worth it! 


Thank you again to all parents and carers who took the time to complete our parent opinion survey. The surveys revealed mixed feedback about parent communication. Some families feel we over-communicate, but overall we had a good rating for communication. We are going to take some time over the coming months to review our communication processes and see where we can streamline them. Thanks for bearing with us as we do so. 


We have passed the depth of winter! 


Helen Spencer
