Year 7-9 Sector 

Year 7

Well done on another exceptional start to the term, Year 7! All staff are extremely impressed with the determination, commitment and effort that all students have put in over the course of the year. Thus far, Term 3 has brought challenges but it has also generated opportunity and growth. Students have become confident in using multiple platforms and have produced outstanding work. 


Thank you to all parents and guardians for the ongoing support throughout the remote learning period, the time and effort has been exceedingly helpful and all staff are truly grateful. 


Gallery of Student Work

Throughout the remote learning period, students have produced some brilliant work. 

Here are some impressive task submissions! Thank you to Alisha, Charlene, Peter, Dimitri, Nilan and Trinny for sharing your wonderful work with us.





 Mufasa was a better king than Scar:

Mufasa understood the balance in the circle of life, while Scar did not. Scar and his hyenas were evil, causing a drought that wiped at all the grass. This can be seen through the colors, as when Mufasa ruled, the land was colorful and beautiful, but Scar's evilness caused it to be dark and gloomy, devoid of any of the life that existed before. A combination of the drought and the overhunting that Scar did caused the herds to move away, taking the lions' food source and making everyone hungry. This misunderstanding of the circle of life caused the downfall and hunger of the kingdom, whereas Mufasa had no known problems ever.


Scar is also worse as a king in the morality department, killing even his own brother and attempting to kill his nephew. It can be seen how evil he is just by looking at his base of operations: a literal graveyard. The background music is ominous and creepy, complemented by the evil, green fire. This is in contrast to Mufasa, who was not known to kill family members, and his base of operations was bright and beautiful, that is until Scar took over and his evilness caused a drought and there to be no more sunlight. 

Justifiying Opinions by Peter 7G

Music during Remote Learning!

Please click on the following links to hear some great tunes made by our very talented Year 7 students. 


Recognitions to Tara, Harrison, Enrique, Brianna, Daniel, Hoi Tuak, Erica and Delidio.



















Thank you to our brave Year 7 students for their contributions, well done. 

Year 9

Hello and welcome to another Newsletter article from remote learning!


We were lucky enough to squeeze in a fantastic trip to the Werribee Zoo on Thursday the 15th of July with our Year 9 cohort where the students had the opportunity to go on the Safari and were taken on educative tours in relation to their science curriculum. We even had a very close up visit from a friendly but hungry Lion. 



Just a reminder that Lakeview Transition enrolment forms are now overdue and need to be submitted as soon as possible. Please refer to the below instructions: 


We will be having the Assistant Principals from Lakeview coming out to speak with our year 9s when we return onsite to begin the process of subject selection for 2022. 


Please keep your eye out on compass for our scheduled “seminar days” in the coming weeks (we will provide further information if they will be postponed due to restrictions later to the date). 


We are looking forward to a great Term 3 with, as usual in year 9, lots of exciting things happening as we enter out last half of the year with our Year 9 Cohort.